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2023-12-20   来源:IntelMining智能矿业
英美资源集团(Anglo American)新成立的风险投资公司TraxIQ已经启动,其具体目标是颠覆采石和采矿业的运输现状。该公司由英美资源集团技术开发主管Luke Smith领导,其他主要团队成员包括英美资源集团风险投资公司建设者Aljoscha Gleser。



今年早些时候,在美国银行2023年“智能矿山4.0”会议上,英美资源集团技术开发主管Donovan Waller提醒与会者:过去一百年来,采矿业一直在使用卡车和铲车,这可能是有史以来最成功的采矿技术组合。但进一步创新的空间仍然很大:“我认为它们的成功主要归功于灵活性、可靠性和可扩展性。我们踏入了这片神圣的领域,并允许自己如一张白纸的练习者设法去解决采矿卡车的缺点,即:成本、速度和能耗。”

英美资源集团(Anglo American)表示,通过调整装载的基本操作设定,并与车辆设计师和轮胎生产商合作,该公司重新确定了重量分布、对称性、模块化以及仅使用现成组件的设计。“我们出乎意料地创造了一种独特的替代价值主张,将车辆作为传感器使用,几乎将能耗减少了一半,提高了速度和效率,而且所有这些都降低了成本。虽然还为时尚早,但我们已经具备了未来以精确度为重点的采矿系统的基础。”

英美资源集团与专业工程技术公司First Mode紧密合作,开发了nuGen™零排放运输解决方案,这是一种改装燃料电池电动汽车设计,部署在小松930E上,目前仍在南非Mogalakwena铂金矿(世界上最大的露天铂金矿)运行。英美资源集团随后成为First Mode公司的大股东,该公司目前正致力于将这项技术(以及混合动力电动汽车和电池电动汽车改装解决方案)应用于英美资源集团自己的车队,同时也为其他感兴趣的团体提供商业服务。

TraxIQ from Anglo American will disrupt haulage in mining and quarrying

TraxIQ, a groundbreaking initiative by Anglo American Plc, a British multinational mining company with headquarters in London, has recently been introduced, aiming to revolutionise conventional quarrying and mining haulage practices. The project is spearheaded by Luke Smith, who serves as the Principal of Technology Development at Anglo American. Collaborating with key team members such as Anglo-American Venture Builder Aljoscha Gleser, TraxIQ is poised to bring innovation to the forefront of the quarrying and mining industries.

Smith asserts that TraxIQ is advancing significantly towards a more intelligent, secure, and environmentally friendly future for the mining and quarrying industry. According to him, idle trucks translate to financial losses, and TraxIQ's autonomous vehicles are poised to alleviate productivity challenges, ensuring sustained profits. Whether in open-pit or underground operations, greenfield or brownfield sites, TraxIQ is actively crafting scalable solutions for the industry.

"We're reimagining mining with modular components, lighter materials, and smart technologies. The result will be a green, low-energy solution that protects the environment — and your bottom line", Luke Smith added.

Earlier this year, a groundbreaking approach to haulage was alluded to during the Bank of America 2023 Smart Mine 4.0 conference. Donovan Waller, the Anglo-American Group Head of Technology Development, pointed out that the mining industry has relied on trucks and shovels for the last century, deeming it the most successful pairing in mining technology. However, he emphasized that despite this success, there remains ample opportunity for further innovation in the field.

Donovan Waller said, “I attribute their success predominantly to flexibility, reliability & scalability. We stepped into this hallowed ground and allowed ourselves a blank sheet exercise to address the shortcomings of mining trucks: cost, speed & energy consumption.”

Anglo-Americans claim to have re-envisioned weight distribution, symmetry, modularity, and design by modifying the foundational operational assumptions of loading. The company collaborated with vehicle designers and tire producers, focusing on utilizing only readily available off-the-shelf components.

"We surprised ourselves and have created a unique alternative value proposition, using the vehicle as a sensor, almost halving the energy used, increasing speed & effectiveness, all at a reduced cost. Whilst still in the early days, we have the makings of a future mining system focused on precision", Waller added.

Anglo-American has extensive experience revolutionising haulage from a powertrain perspective, achieved through a collaborative effort with First Mode, a specialised engineering technology company. Together, they developed the nuGen™ Zero Emissions Haulage Solution, a retrofit Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle design. This innovative solution was successfully deployed on a Komatsu 930E and is currently operational at the Mogalakwena platinum mine in South Africa.

Having recognised the potential of this technology, Anglo-American increased its involvement by becoming the majority shareholder in First Mode. Presently, First Mode is actively working on implementing this cutting-edge technology, including Hybrid Electric Vehicle and Battery Electric Vehicle retrofit solutions. These advancements are not only being applied to Anglo-American fleets. Still, they are also being offered commercially to other interested groups, showcasing a commitment to sustainable and environmentally friendly haulage solutions.

The bauxite industry must strategically reconsider its mining processes to embrace innovations and enact transformative changes, fostering a more sustainable future in bauxite exploration. In the contemporary landscape, numerous emerging technologies are being embraced by leading mining entities as they pave the way for a greener and more environmentally conscious future.

Edited By: Rupankar Majumder



煤炭企业环境会计信息披露体系构建与应用作者:袁显平, 崔伟单位:西安科技大学管理学院文章刊发:《煤炭经济研究》2023年第6期摘要:中国式现代化是人与自然和谐共生的...


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