Theoretical and experimental methods for lunar regolith / rock related mechanical issues in lunar minerals mining
ZHOU Guoqing1,2 ,LI Ruilin1,2 ,YAN Kang2 ,ZHAO Xiaodong1,2 ,CHEN Jun1 ,MO Pinqiang1,2 ,WANG Guang3
中国矿业大学 深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室中国矿业大学 力学与土木工程学院中国矿业大学 孙越崎学院
1. State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou 221116,China; 2. School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou 221116,China; 3. Sun Yueqi Honors College,China Universi-ty of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou 221116,China
月球上蕴含丰富的钛、钍、铀、氦等矿产资源以及三斜铁辉石、锆石等地球上未发现的新矿物,月球矿产资源开发利用可有效解决地球资源枯竭及环境破坏等全球性问题,已成为新一轮全球范围太空开发竞争的焦点。然而,月球表面独特的重力、真空及温度等环境和月球地质体特殊的组分、结构及几何特征造就了月壤/月岩特殊的力学特性和工程行为,给未来月球采矿和月球基地建设带来了前所未有的巨大挑战。空间环境方面,月球重力场仅为地球的1/6,月面真空度高达133×10-12 Pa,温度最高130 ℃、最低-183 ℃,温差高达313 ℃。月球地质体几何特征方面,月壤颗粒呈现出多孔、多勾角的异型结构;结构特征方面,月壤呈现出粒径跨度大且夹杂月岩大颗粒的典型壤/岩混合体特征;组分方面,月壤及月岩富钛、富铁特征十分典型。因此,获得月球低重力引起的低应力水平和低应力梯度条件、月表超高真空和极端温度等特殊环境条件下月壤/月岩的力学行为,以及异形月壤颗粒形状引起的力学响应、月岩特殊组分及组构相关的力学特征等基础力学问题的系统研究成果,是实现月球矿产资源安全、高效开发的前提和基础。为此,需要对理论及试验研究方法进行创新,弥补现有研究方法和手段无法满足该领域研究需求的短板。理论手段方面,应该建立考虑应力梯度的月球地质体高阶力学方法,实现月壤/岩力学行为对低应力梯度响应的表征;实现月壤特殊颗粒形状的数学表征及数值重构,为揭示月壤复杂颗粒形状特征及其对力学特性的影响奠定基础;构建考虑复杂颗粒形状的月壤多尺度力学方法,实现月壤“细观颗粒形状-宏观力学行为”的跨尺度关联。试验手段方面,需要在地面构造与月面相似的空间环境并研制与月壤/月岩相似的试验材料,为在地球环境研究月球采矿基础力学问题构建试验平台。
The moon possesses rich mineral resources,for example,titanium,thorium,uranium and thorium,as well as some rare minerals such as pyroxferroite and zircon that do not exist on the earth. The exploitation and utilization of those resources can effectively solve the current global issues of resource depletion and environmental damage,which has become the focus of the new round of global space exploitation competition. However,the special gravity,vacuum and temperature environment on the moon,together with the distinctive composition,structure and geometric character- istics of geological materials result in the individual mechanical behaviour and engineering response of lunar regolith and rock,which bring a series of unprecedented challenges on both lunar mining and base construction. In terms of space environment,the gravity on the moon is only 1 / 6 of that on the earth,the vacuum on the lunar surface exceeds 1. 01×10-12 kPa,the highest temperature is up to 130 ℃ ,the lowest is -183 ℃ ,and the temperature difference is as high as 313 ℃ . As for the lunar geological materials,the particle shape of lunar regolith processes typical porous and multi-hook geometric characteristic. The lunar regolith also has a very large particle size variation,and exhibits a typi- cal regolith / rock mixed structure characteristic because of the existing of large lunar rock bulk. Both the lunar regolith and rock demonstrate significant titanium-rich and iron-rich composition characteristics. Therefore,the systematic un- derstanding of the above factors induced mechanical behaviours of lunar regolith and rock is the premise for the safe and efficient lunar mining. Those mechanical issues include the behaviour of lunar regolith / rock under lunar gravity induced low stress level and low stress gradient,the behaviour of lunar regolith / rock under lunar ultra-high vacuum and extreme temperature environments,the behaviour of lunar regolith related to abnormal particle shape,and the be- haviour of lunar regolith / rock related to the distinctive composition and structure characteristics. Therefore,several the- oretical and experimental innovative research methods need to be put forward,which can effectively make up for the incapability and shortcoming of current research methods. In theoretical aspects,the stress gradient-related high-order mechanical theory for lunar regolith / rock needs to be proposed to characterize the behaviour of lunar regolith / rock un- der gravity induced low stress gradient. The mathematical representation and numerical reconstruction of lunar regolith particle is another theoretical innovation,which may help to reveal the complex particle shape of lunar regolith and its influence on mechanical properties. Furthermore,the abnormal particle shape-related multiscale mechanical theory for lunar regolith should be developed to build the connection between its microscopic particle shape and macroscopic me- chanical behaviour. In the experimental aspect,both the terrestrial experimental techniques used to simulate the lunar space environment and used to prepare lunar regolith / rock simulants need to be carried out,which can provide a basic experimental platform for lunar mining related mechanical issues.
lunar mining;low gravitational field;ultra-high vacuum;extreme temperature;lunar regolith;lunar rock; mechanical behaviour
ZHOU Guoqing,LI Ruilin,YAN Kang,et al. Theoretical and experimental methods for lunar regolith / rock related me- chanical issues in lunar minerals mining[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2019,44(1):183-191.