• 论文
  • Title

    Road to low-carbon transformation of coal power in China:A review of biomass co-firing policies and technologies for coal power abroad and its inspiration on biomass utilization

  • 作者


  • Author

    MAO Jianxiong,GUO Huina,WU Yuxin

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Department of Energy and Power Engineering,Tsinghua University;Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education,Tsinghua Univergity
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    Biomass is a reliable low-carbon alternative fuel with the characteristics of abundant reserves and wide distribution in China. The reasonable and effective utilization of biomass is very important for the realization of low-carbon/zero-carbon emissions and the construction of the power system based on renewable energy in China,because biomass fuel also has the property of energy storage. To this end,the status and trends of biomass utilization policies and power generation technologies  at abroad were systematically reviewed. An in-depth analysis of China′s future biomass utilization pathways was conducted,combined with biomass characteristics and power generation demand in China. It is concluded that the main direction of the current low-carbon development of thermal power in the world is high-efficiency coal firing power technology with biomass co-firing,which has the advantages of mature technology,low cost,and flexible utilization forms. It is a key measure for the UK,Sweden and other countries to achieve carbon neutrality,and has been developed rapidly under effective policy incentives. At present,the power efficiency of coal-fired units in China has been significantly improved,and the continuous improvement of technology to increase power efficiency can not meet the demand of substantial carbon reduction. Carbon emission reduction of coal-fired power generation needs to be carried out from both carbon reduction of raw materials and carbon sequestration of the flue gas,while biomass power generation is an effective measure  to reduce carbon from raw material. On the basis of developing high-efficiency,advanced and energy-saving coal power,China should first establish and then break through,vigorously develop biomass thermal power to replace coal power,and finally realize the zero-carbon transformation of coal power. Therefore,coal power upgrading + biomass co-firing + carbon capture,utilization and storage (CCUS) is of great strategic significance to the ultimate realization of carbon neutrality by 2060 in China. The future development of biomass power generation technology in China should pay attention to three aspects:Firstly,more reasonable national regulations and incentive policies should be formulated according to the situation of biomass resources and utilization goals in China,such as carbon tax reduction under the carbon trading system,flexibility subsidies according to the blending ratio,green certificate transactions,etc.,to restrict and the co-firing of biomass in coal-fired power plants. Secondly,the biomass fuel industry should be vigorously developed,biomass processing and acquisition standards should be standardized,and a stable and reliable biomass fuel supply market should be established. The cost and quality of raw materials should be fundamentally reduced and controlled,which are also important measures to promote the healthy development of biomass utilization. At last,advanced and feasible co-firing,and even 100% burning technology should be developed. Foreign experience shows that high proportion of biomass mixing in coal-fired units is technically feasible,but there is less experience in this aspect. Technology accumulation is still needed in raw material processing and preparation,ensuring efficient combustion under the condition of large fluctuation in blending ratio,and solving corrosion and slagging on heating surfaces. The low-carbon energy system in the future will be a multi-energy complementary pattern,and the large-scale utilization of biomass will face the problem of shortage of raw materials,which means that it is necessary to promote the planting of energy crops such as shrubs and grasses on marginal land and the transformation of existing forest land. The integrated collection,storage,transportation and primary processing industrial chain of agricultural and forestry wastes and energy crops can be combined with the development strategy of agriculture,rural areas and farmers to benefit the country and the people.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    biomass power generation;low-carbon utilization;fuel substitution;low-carbon transition;new energy;carbon neutrality;coal-electricity co-firing

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 国外生物质利用综述

       1.1 国外生物质利用途径

       1.2 各国生物质耦合发电技术及政策

       1.3 生物质掺混利用经验总结

    2 我国生物质低碳利用路径

       2.1 生物质低碳利用的战略分析

       2.2 生物质掺烧技术改造需求

       2.3 生物质供应链的建立

    3 结语与展望

  • 引用格式
    MAO Jianxiong,GUO Huina,WU Yuxin.Road to low-carbon transformation of coal power in China:A review of biomass-cofiring-policies and technologies for coal power
    abroad and its inspiration on biomass utilization[J].Clean Coal Technology,2022,28(3):1-11.
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