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  • Title

    Seismic performance analysis of flat artificial dam of underground reservoir in coal mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHI Mingbo;LI Peng;CAO Zhiguo;WU Yang;ZHANG Yong;LI Haixiang;WU Baoyang

  • 单位

    煤炭开采水资源保护与利用国家重点实验室北京低碳清洁能源研究院中国矿业大学(北京) 力学与建筑工程学院国能神东煤炭技术研究院

  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory of Water Resources Protection and Utilization in Coal Mining
    Beijing Institute of Low Carbon and CleanEnergy
    School of Mechanic and Civil Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing
    Guoneng Shendong Coal Technology Research Institute
  • 摘要

    煤矿地下水库有效地解决了西部矿区矿井水保护与利用问题,地下水库安全稳定是其执行“导储用”核心技术的关键,而人工坝体是连接水库坝体的纽带。为此,针对煤矿地下水库人工坝体安全稳定问题,选取典型的平板型人工坝体为研究对象,基于大柳塔2-2煤层煤矿地下水库基本情况,利用相似模拟实验、数值分析等研究方法,分析了不同地震(1~15 m/ s2 ) 作用下煤矿地下水库平板型人工坝体稳定性特征。相似模拟结果表明:煤矿地下水库平板型人工坝体可以抵抗10 烈度以上(12 m/ s2)地震作用,在由小到大地震循环加载作用下产生的最大位移为0.19 mm;人工坝体产生应力集中的位置主要在坝体底部,应力变化规律为底部>腹部>顶部,同一地震波作用下坝体反面应力峰值约大于正面10%,整个震动过程中人工坝体未出现裂隙发育情况,说明人工坝体始终保持弹性工作状态;顶部压力逐渐增加和循环地震作用过程中,人工坝体内应力急剧增加,坝体水平方向位移与非加压阶段相当,未表现出明显增加现象,但煤柱坝体在此过程中逐渐产生裂隙,最终裂隙贯通造成煤柱坝体垮落破坏。基于力学模型分析及模拟结果表明:大柳塔2-2煤矿地下水库坝体(煤柱+人工)在地震作用下未出现较大塑性变形,位移变化以垂直巷道方向最大,但变化范围均为毫米级,水库坝体在地震作用下保持较好的稳定性;由于人工坝体和煤柱坝体基础性质(强度、密度)不同,震动引起的加速度不同,造成人工坝体作用过程中加速度大于煤柱坝体( 差值为1.14倍),导致坝体连接处剪切应力集中,是煤矿地下水库易发生破坏的关键位置。

  • Abstract
    The coal mine underground reservoir effectively solves the problem of mine water protection and utilizationin the western mining area. The safety and stability of the underground reservoir is the key to the implementation of the core technology of “guiding,storing and using”,and the artificial dam is the link connecting the reservoir dam.Therefore,aiming at the safety and stability of the artificial dam of coal mine underground reservoir,using the typicalflat artificial dam as the research object,based on the basic situation of the Daliuta 2-2 coal mine undergroundreservoir,the stability characteristics of the flat artificial dam of coal mine underground reservoir under different earth⁃quakes (1-15 m/ s2)are analyzed in this study by using the research methods of similar simulation experiment and nu⁃merical analysis. The similar simulation results show that the flat artificial dam of coal mine underground reservoir canresist earthquakes above 10 degrees (12 m/ s2 ),and the maximum displacement under cyclic loading from small tolarge earthquakes is 0.19 mm. The stress concentration position of the artificial dam body is mainly at the bottomof the dam body,and the stress variation law is bottom > middle > top. Under the action of the same seismic wave,thepeak stress on the reverse side of the dam body is about 10% greater than that on the front. There is no crack develop⁃ment in the artificial dam body during the whole vibration process,indicating that the artificial dam body always main⁃tains an elastic working state. During the gradual increase of top pressure and cyclic earthquake,the internal stressof the artificial dam increases sharply,but the horizontal displacement of the dam is equivalent to that in the non⁃pres⁃surization stage,and there is no obvious increase. However,the coal pillar dam gradually produces some cracks in thisprocess,and finally the cracks are connected,resulting in the collapse and failure of the coal pillar dam. On thewhole,the underground reservoir dam body (coal pillar + artificial)of the Daliuta 2-2 coal mine does not have largeplastic deformation under the action of earthquake,and the displacement change is the largest in the direction perpen⁃dicular to the roadway,but the variation range is mm scale. The reservoir dam body maintains a good stability un⁃der the action of earthquake. Due to the different materials (strength and density)of artificial dam and coal pillar damand the different acceleration caused by vibration,the acceleration of artificial dam is greater than that of coal pil⁃lar dam,resulting in the concentration of shear stress at the dam connection,which is the key position prone to damageof coal mine underground reservoir.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal mine underground reservoir;flat artificial dam;seismic action;seismic performance

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    • 煤矿地下水库坝体结构试验平台

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