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  • Title

    CO_2 controllable phase transition fracturing and outburst prevention technology of gateway driving face in outburst seam

  • 作者


  • Author

    Wang Haidong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Shenyang Research Institute,China Coal Technology and Engineering Group Co.,Ltd. national Key Lab of Mine safety Technology
  • 摘要

    针对试验矿井煤层掘进工作面煤层透气性差,预抽煤层瓦斯困难,地应力大的特点,为了实现突出煤层快速、安全掘进,通过理论分析及工业试验的方法,提出了适合试验矿井掘进工作面的CO2可控相变致裂防突技术工艺;系统评价了CO2可控相变致裂防突技术的有效性、适应性和安全性。研究结果表明:CO2可控相变致裂防突技术主要是利用液态CO2瞬间气化过程中产生的能量剪断剪切片,产生应力波及高压气体,使周围煤体产生裂隙,以提高煤层渗透率,达到防治煤与瓦斯突出的目的。通过试验矿井掘进500 m巷道的防突技术应用表明:掘进工作面采用CO2可控相变致裂防突技术后,钻屑瓦斯解吸指标Δh2较采用常规密集排放钻孔消突技术时下降近50%,瓦斯抽采量提高近2倍,巷道安全掘进速度提高1.5倍以上。

  • Abstract
    According to the poor seam permea ilt chficult sean gas drainage high geostess and other features of the seam gateway driving face in the trial mine,in ordertorealize a raid and safetydrving in the outbust seam.with the theoretical analysis and indutraltra method. a CO 2 controlable phase ranstion frcturingand cuburst prevention tfechnology suitable for the seam gateway driving facein the tial mine was provided.The efiectiveness suitability and satetyof the Co_2 contolable phase trn stion fracturing and outburst prevention technology was systematically evauated. The study resuis showed that,the energy power occured from thec0_ liuid and gas phase ransition vas used to cut cuting piece in CO 2 contrllable hase trnstion frcturing.and generate stress waves and high pressure gas, which would improve the seam permeatilly so as to reach the coal and gas outbust prevention target.The rall of the 500 m drving gateway showed that afer fracturingwith the C_2 conrllable phase transiiton frcturing and outburst prevention technology in the seam drving face.the gas desorption index of the driling cuttings wouldbe 50% lower than using the outburst prevention technology with conventional intensive discharging borehole,the gas drain age volumne vould beincreased about to tmes and the safety driving speed of the gateway would be increased by over 1.5times.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    gateway driving face;cO2 phase transition; outburst seam; coal and gas outburst;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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