• 论文
  • Title

    On Philosophy of Engineering from the Perspective of Discipline of Natural Dialectics

  • 作者


  • Author

    Xu Zhili;Lyu Yishi

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Beihang University
    School of Humanities, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    This paper aims to explore the philosophy of engineering from the standpoint of the discipline of natural dialectics. It thereby examines the research trajectory of the philosophy of engineering, clarifies its current orientation, fosters the coordinated development of natural dialectics and philosophy of engineering, and contributes to the advancement of Chinese modernization.Dialectics of nature is a subject with Chinese characteristics. Currently, it mainly presents two branches: the principle of dialectics of nature and the philosophy of science and technology. It's important to understand that natural dialectics isn't merely synonymous with the philosophy of science and technology; they differ in their disciplinary nature and status. The discipline of natural dialectics should fundamentally encompass the basic discipline of "principles of natural dialectics". Moreover, the Chinese school of natural dialectics has generally developed the philosophy of science and technology along the paths of natural philosophy, philosophy of science, philosophy of technology, and philosophy of engineering. The study of philosophy of engineering expands both the depth and breadth of dialectics of nature, further exemplifying the characteristics of Chinese dialectics of nature that differentiate it from foreign philosophy of engineering. The philosophy of engineering in both China and the West is driven by collaboration between engineering and philosophy communities, following a similar developmental trajectory. However, philosophy of engineering in China not only possesses Chinese characteristics but also significantly differs from the philosophy of technology, featuring a distinct systematic theory. The philosophy of engineering holds contemporary, practical, and pioneering significance for the development of natural dialectics, and these attributes are distinct. First, conducting research on philosophy of engineering is an urgent requirement for the development of contemporary society, as well as an inherent requirement for the development of the discipline of natural dialectics in the new era, reflecting a distinct contemporaneity. Second, engineering is a prominent human endeavor to transform nature from dehumanized to humanized forms, and the philosophy of engineering fully embodies the distinct practicality of dialectics of nature that it initially possessed. Third, the fields of philosophy of science and philosophy of technology have relatively lack the research that fully integrates natural and social factors, which philosophy of engineering can bring. Therefore, the exploration of philosophy of engineering is the result of the expansion and deepening of the theory of natural dialectics.Compared with natural philosophy, philosophy of science and philosophy of technology, philosophy of engineering, as a branch of natural dialectics, more thoroughly embodies the principles of natural dialectics. The philosophical contemplation of engineering and its problems is a comprehensive philosophical research on nature, science, technology, and society, which comprehensively reflects the content of the principle of natural dialectics. Furthermore, the philosophy of engineering extensively expands the practice of natural dialectics. Engineering activities are pivotal in transforming human knowledge into real productive forces, and philosophy of engineering not only studies these processes but also influences and propels practical applications. Moreover, the philosophy of engineering fully presents the characteristics of the "two disciplines alliance" of natural dialectics. Natural dialectics is a multidisciplinary and integrated research field, with interdisciplinary characteristics and historical traditions of the alliance between philosophy, social sciences, and natural science and technology. The issues of philosophy of engineering also require wise thinking from multiple perspectives, that is a reflection of the interdisciplinary characteristics of natural dialectics. Additionally, the Chinese characteristics of natural dialectics are also fully presented by philosophy of engineering. China's philosophy of engineering is rooted in China's engineering and social development, and conforms to the development of natural dialectics. It is a theoretical field that better adapts the way of Chinese modernization.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    natural dialectics;philosophy of engineering;implications of discipline

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    徐治立, 吕弈诗 . 自然辩证法学科视域中的工程哲学[J]. 工程研究——跨学科视野中的工程, 2024, 16(2): 171-179.
  • Citation
    Xu Zhili, Lyu Yishi. See the Philosophy of Engineering from the Perspective of Discipline of Natural Dialectics[J]. Journal of Engineering Studies, 2024, 16(2): 171-179.

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