• 论文
  • Title

    Research on the size of coal pillar in thick top coal roadway and the support technology of "roof controlling and side limiting "

  • 作者


  • Author

    Wei Baozhen;Li Wenlin;Li Ning;Gu Feng;Wang Ning

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Dongtan Mine of Yankuang Energy Group Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
    为研究存在地质构造的情况下,刀把型工作面缩面期间煤柱留设尺寸以及支护难题,结合东滩煤矿1310工作面地质条件,通过理论分析及数值模拟等研究方法,确定缩面后刀把型工作面煤柱尺寸,提出了“控顶限帮”支护原理,实现对厚顶煤巷道深浅围岩的协同控制。研究结果表明,留设40 m保护煤柱,配合支护方案,可充分确保1310辅助轨顺安全稳定。结合缩面后现场监测情况,认为缩面后40 m煤柱宽度与支护方案合理可行。
  • Abstract
    In order to study the size of coal pillar and support problems during the reduction of cutter bar face in the presence of geological structure, combining with the geological conditions of No.1310 Face in Dongtan Mine, Through theoretical analysis and numerical simulation, the size of coal pillar of knife handle type face after the reduction of face was determined, and put forward the principle of "roof controlling and side limiting " support to realize the synergistic control of deep and shallow surrounding rocks of thick top coal roadway and realize the synergistic control of deep and shallow surrounding rocks of thick top coal roadway. The principle of " roof controlling and side limiting " support was proposed to realize the synergistic control of the deep and shallow surrounding rocks in the roadway with thick top coal. The research results showed that leaving 40m protective coal pillar, together with the support program, could fully ensure the safety and stability of No.1310 trackway. Combined with the monitoring situation on site after face reduction, it was considered that the width of 40 m coal pillar after face reduction and the support program were reasonable and feasible.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    knife handle type;elastic core;limit equilibrium theory;plastic zone

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    魏宝贞,李文林,李 宁,顾 锋,王 宁. 厚顶煤巷道煤柱尺寸留设及“控顶限帮”支护技术研究[J]. 煤炭与化工, 2024, 47(6): 14-17,22..
  • Citation
    Wei Baozhen, Li Wenlin, Li Ning, Gu Feng, Wang Ning. Research on the size of coal pillar in thick top coal roadway and the support technology of "roof controlling and side limiting ". CCI, 2024, 47(6): 14-17,22..

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