Recent progress about the development of iron-based catalysts for CO2hydrogenation to higher olefins
HUANG Jie;AI Peipei;GUO Lisheng;SUN Song
As global climate change intensifies,increasing attention has been directed towards the research of CO2 emission reductionstrategies and technologies for its resource utilization. High-carbon olefins,serving as crucial raw materials in chemical production,arepredominantly synthesized from non-renewable petroleum resources through processes such as catalytic cracking. However,theproduction of high-carbon olefins from fossil resources is characterized by high energy consumption and reliance on non-renewablefeedstocks. A promising catalytic pathway lies in the hydrogenation of CO2 to produce high-carbon olefins using renewable greenhydrogen as a reductant. Nevertheless,due to the stability of the CO2 molecule,the activation of the C-O bond during hydrogenation andthe subsequent coupling of C-C bonds pose significant challenges. This tandem reaction process inevitably encounters issues such as lowactivity,high selectivity for byproducts,and poor catalyst stability. Iron-based catalysts exhibit favorable activity in both the reverse water-gas shift reaction (RWGS) and Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS),combined with their low cost,ease of availability,and wideoperating range,making them suitable for industrial applications. Modification of these catalysts can enhance their performance for specific reactions. Therefore,Fe-based or Fe-based composite catalysts can be utilized for the catalytic hydrogenation of CO2 to high-valueproducts,enabling the directed synthesis of high-carbon olefins from CO2. This paper primarily focuses on the process route for producinghigh-carbon olefins via CO2 hydrogenation,analyzing the research progress in Fe-based or composite catalysts from multipleperspectives,including element doping,support modulation,multi-active site construction,and process parameter optimization. Itdiscusses the chain-growth mechanism of the catalysts and the primary factors influencing the selectivity of high-carbon olefins,providinginsights for the development of efficient Fe-based catalysts. Additionally,the challenges and potential solutions facing the industrialapplication of CO2 hydrogenation are prospected.
CO2 hydrogenation;Fischer-Tropsch synthesis;Long-chain hydrocarbon;Oriented synthesis;Heterogeneous catalysis
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会