• 论文
  • Title

    Classification and corresponding ecological restoration strategies for coal miningareas in Xinjiang by integrating coal resources,water resources withphysical geography & ecosystem

  • 作者


  • Author

    YU Haochen;ZHANG Jian;HAN Xiaotong;MU Shouguo;BIAN Zhengfu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Economics and Management,Qingdao University of Science and Technology
    Research Center for Land Use and Eco-logical Security Governance in Mining Areas,China University of Mining and Technology
    Engineering Research Center of Ministry ofEducation for Mine Ecological Restoration,China University of Mining and Technology
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Regional classification and adapting measures to local conditions were meaningful for the scientific imple-mentation of Ecological Protection and Restoration (EPR). This is due to the regional differences under different typesof resource allocation or element combinations. In Xinjiang Province, land degradation issues caused by the spa-tial coupling of large-scale mining disturbance and arid fragile ecological environment have reached a dramatic condi-tion. However,the vast area determined that the differences in ecological issues and the EPR measures in differ-ent mining areas would be inevitable,but there was a lack of clearly classified solutions currently. To this end,this pa-per attempts to classify the mining areas involved in 5 coal bases in Xinjiang from the different combination types of“Coal Resources, Water Resources with Physical Geography & Ecosystem ( CR - WR - PGE )”. Furthermore,differential strategies for EPR were proposed. Results showed that: ① According to the analysis of CR, WR andPGE,the conceptual model of CR - WR - PGE combination type classification based on spatial overlay methodwere constructed. Then,a simplified division method including 3 aspects and 5 indicators was put forward. ② The5 coal bases were identified and divided into 69 CR-WR-PGE assemblage types. Among them,there are 15,17,25,33 and 24 different combination types in Zhundong,Tuha,Yili,Kubai and Hefeng,respectively. Then the main charac-teristics of the respective combination types of the 5 coal bases were analyzed systematically. ③ According to differentCR-WR-PGE combination types,three Class I mining areas in Xinjiang are further summarized,including Gobi Des-ert Mining Area (GDMA),Desert Steppe Mining Area (DSMA),and Oasis Mining Area a(OMA). And they werefurther divided into 6 number of Class II and 17 number of Class III. ④ The differential strategies of EPR were pro-posed according to the class I. In GDMAs,the requirements for vegetation restoration could be properly relaxed and at-tention should be paid to the reconstruction of large-scale gravel layer. In DSMAs,the guided restoration model couldbe applied to eliminate or reduce the negative disturbance of human activities to promote the self-restoration of land e-cosystem elements. In OMAs,ecological protection still should be controlled by government planning,but social capitalshould be allowed to invest in ecological restoration of mine ecological restoration with proper guidance and build a di-versified market-oriented restoration mechanism. In the future,the new concept of CR-WR-PGE combination typeshould be established in the field of EPR in mining area,which can not only provide boundary and guidance for“one mine-one policy”,but also provide scientific basis for maintaining regional ecological security.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Ecological Protection and Restoration (EPR);coal resources;water resources;physical geography & eco-system;mining area in Xinjiang

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    YU Haochen,ZHANG Jian,HAN Xiaotong,et al.Classification and corresponding ecological restoration strategiesfor coal mining areas in Xinjiang by integrating coal resources,water resources with physical geography & eco-system[J].Journal of Green Mine,2024,2(2):89-103.

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