• 论文
  • Title

    Energy enterprises intelligent sharing financial management system construction mechanism    —An exploratory case study based on RPA matrix robot business of power grid enterprises

  • 作者


  • Author

    SONG Rui;CHEN Hurong;LIU Yun;ZHANG Yu;SUN Huaping

  • 单位


  • Organization
    State Grid Bengbu Electric Supply Company
    State Grid Anhui Electric Power Co. Ltd.
    School of Economics and Management, University of Science and Technology Beijing
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In order to ensure China′s energy security and energy development,the digital transformation of the energy industry has gradually become an important means to achieve enterprise cost reduction and efficiency in the new era. In this process,intelligent financial management has become an important part of the enterprise digital transformation that cannot be ignored through the integration of financial data. With the continuous iteration of automated processes and machine learning,intelligent financial management can provide real-time insights to help energy companies better manage costs,optimize resource utilization and reduce risks,thus improving the core competitiveness of enterprises. However,how to achieve the transformation of intelligent financial management of energy enterprises through digital technology is not an overnight thing. Based on this,the paper focuses on how to build an intelligent financial management system and skillfully apply and promote it to realize the digital upgrade of financial management of energy enterprises. Taking State Grid as the case object,the paper explores the construction of practical mechanism for the development ofintelligent financial management system of energy enterprises,focusing on the application of RPA(robotic process automation) technology in the financial field. The research conclusion summarizes the experience in the development,use and promotion of RPA robots in the whole process of financial management of power grid enterprises,and deeply analyzes the process mechanism of the construction of the company′s financial intelligence system,which has important theoretical and practical significance.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    intelligent sharing financial management;RPA robot;system management theory;digital transformation;construction mechamism;intelligent financial management system

  • 引用格式
    宋锐, 陈胡嵘, 刘赟, 张玉, 孙华平. 能源企业智慧共享财务管理体系构建机制——基于电网企业RPA矩阵机器人业务的探索性案例研究. 煤炭经济研究. 2024, 44(5): 124-131
  • Citation
    SONG Rui, CHEN Hurong, LIU Yun, ZHANG Yu, SUN Huaping. Energy enterprises intelligent sharing financial management system construction mechanism    —An exploratory case study based on RPA matrix robot business of power grid enterprises. Coal Economic Research. 2024, 44(5): 124-131

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