• 论文
  • Title

    Research and Practice on Hydraulic Fracturing Roof Cutting Pressure Relief and Roadway Protection Technology for the Roof Strata of Pan'er Mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    Chen Shihu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Huaihe Energy Holding Group Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Aiming at the problem of severe deformation and difficulty in maintenance of the roadway in the mining area system roadway of Pan'er Mine due to the influence of multiple mining of the working face stoping, a combined method of numerical simulation, theoretical analysis, and on-site testing is adopted to propose the hydraulic fracturing roof cutting pressure relief and roadway protection technology for the roof strata, and engineering practice is carried out. The results show that advance hydraulic fracturing is conducted on the hard roof strata outside the influence range of mining stress in the working face. The roof strata is subjected to tensile damage under the action of high-pressure water, resulting in hydraulic cracks. The high-pressure water connects the hydraulic cracks with the original cracks and continuously expands under the pressure maintaining effect, forming obvious artificial cracks in the hard strata of the roof, damaging the integrity of the roof strata, blocking the transmission of mining stress in the strata and reducing the influence range of advanced support stress. During the recovery operation period of the 18215 working face, the roadway deformation amount of the mining system is relatively small, ensuring the normal use of the roadway in the mining area system and achieving relatively good pressure relief effect.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    hard roof;hydraulic fracturing;crack;roof cutting pressure relief;mining stress

  • DOI

主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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