• 全部
  • Title

    Study on vibration propagation law of frozen clay blasting in deep mine shaft

  • 作者


  • Author

    YU Jianxin,GUO Min,GAO Shuaijie,WANG Xiao,DONG Baoli

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Civil Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University;Henan Xunda Blasting Co.,Ltd.,
  • 摘要

    为研究冻结黏土爆破中的应力波传播规律,减小对冻结管和井壁的振动损伤,在立井冻结黏土掘进段开展了爆破试验。通过井下-690 m的爆破振动测试,得到了冻结黏土中垂直、水平径向和水平切向的振动速度,利用萨道夫斯基公式对参数进行拟合,得出冻结黏土单一介质爆破各向振动速度呈现出差异,垂向振动速度>径向振动速度>切向振动速度。对冻结黏土爆破振动信号进行小波(包)分析,得出:爆破距离在0~6.243 m,3个分量上的总能量呈现出Ez>Ex>Ey的规律,爆破振动频率主要集中在250 Hz以内;爆破振动信号能量占比在高频段呈震荡式衰减,低频段衰减慢并趋于稳定;爆破振动总能量占比能量变化一般在频带0~187 Hz急剧下降,在218 Hz左右能量占比又显著增大;垂向能量变化较径向和切向的能量变化更为显著。研究成果对于立井冻结黏土爆破掘进及振动控制具有一定的指导意义和应用价值。

  • Abstract

    In order to study the propagation law of explosion stress waves in frozen clay blasting and reduce the vibration damage to frozen pipe and shaft wall,blasting experiments were carried out in the frozen clay excavation section of the vertical shaft.Through the blasting vibration test at -690 m downhole,the vertical,horizontal radial and horizontal tangential vibration velocities in the frozen clay were obtained,and the Sadowski formula is used to fit them.The velocity presents a difference,where vertical vibration velocity>radial vibration velocity>tangential vibration velocity.The wavelet packet analysis was carried out on the blasting vibration signals of frozen clay and it is concluded that the blasting distance is within 0-6.243 m,the total energy of the three components shows the law of Ez>Ex>Ey,and the blasting vibration frequency is mainly concentrated within 250 Hz.The energy ratio of blasting vibration signal attenuates oscillatingly in the high frequency range,while the low frequency attenuation decays slowly and tends to be stable.The total energy of blasting vibration generally decreases sharply at 0 and 187 Hz,and the energy ratio increases significantly around 218 Hz.The vertical energy change is more significant than the radial and tangential energy changes.This research results have certain guiding significance and application value for blasting and vibration control of frozen clay in vertical shafts.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    deep mine shaft; artificial frozen soil; parameter optimization;vibration wave

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 引用格式
    YU Jianxin,GUO Min,GAO Shuaijie,et al.Study on vibration propagation law of frozen clay blasting in deep mine shaft[J].Coal Science and Technology,2022,50(3):111-114.
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