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  • Title

    Temporal response of soil carbon pool and agricultural productivity to different tillage methods in reclaimed land of mining area

  • 作者


  • Author

    MA Shouchen;WANG Xinsheng;LIU Saisai;ZHANG Hebing

  • 单位

    河南理工大学 测绘与国土信息工程学院河南科技学院 生命科技学院

  • Organization
    School of Surveying and Land Information Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University
    School of Life Science and Technology, Henan Institute of Science and Technology
  • 摘要
    对采矿破坏土地进行复垦并探究科学的田间管理方式对于缓解人地矛盾、迅速提高复垦耕地生产力具有重要的意义。基于煤矿区复垦耕地长期定位试验,通过对比不同耕作措施下土壤总有机碳(SOC)、活性有机碳(AOC)含量、碳库管理指数(ICPM)和产量变化,探索有助于复垦土壤质量迅速提升的耕作模式。在小麦播种前设置免耕(NT)、浅耕(ST)、深耕(DT)、深耕−浅耕交替轮耕(DST)共4个耕作处理。结果表明:① 不同耕作措施通过影响固碳速率(RCS)而对SOC积累有不同的影响。与NT相比,DT有助于复垦前期迅速提高各土层SOC和AOC含量,DST有助于复垦后期各土层保持较高的SOC和AOC含量。ST有助于表层SOC和AOC积累,对深层土壤SOC和AOC的影响小于DT和DST。② 不同耕作措施对有机碳层化比(RS)有不同的影响。在复垦前期,ST、DT和DST处理的RS都显著高于NT。但到复垦后期NT和ST保持较高的RS,DT和DST的RS显著降低。③ 不同耕作措施通过影响SOC和AOC积累而影响各土层的碳库指数(ICP)和碳库活度指数(IA),从而影响其ICPM。复垦8 a后,ST、DT和DST处理各土层的ICP、IA和ICPM均大于NT。DST积累了最高的SOC和AOC,因此其ICP、IA和ICPM为最高。DT由于长期过度翻耕促进了SOC的矿化分解,导致其ICP、IA和ICPM低于DST。ST虽可提高表层SOC和ICP,但其IA低于DT和DST,导致其ICPM也较低。④ 不同耕作方式通过影响土壤固碳也影响了作物生产。在复垦前期,ST、DT和DST的增产率和产量均大于NT,DT有最高的产量和增产率,而到复垦后期,DST的产量和增产率最高。相关分析表明,在复垦前期DT通过迅速提高各土层SOC含量有助于产量提高,而到后期,DST则通过提高整个土层的SOC、AOC含量和降低SR有助于作物高产。总之,基于土壤固碳和作物生产能力,在复垦早期宜采用DT措施,到复垦后期DST则是更好耕作方式,而NT和ST不利于复垦耕地的土壤碳固存和产量的快速提升。
  • Abstract
    It is of great theoretical and practical value to reclaim the land destroyed by mining and explore the scientific farmland management modes for alleviating the contradiction between people and land and rapidly improving the productivity of reclaimed land. A long-term positioning experiment in the reclaimed soil of the mining area was conducted to explore a suitable tillage mode that is conducive to the rapid improvement of the reclaimed soil quality by comparing soil organic carbon (SOC), active organic carbon (AOC), carbon pool management index (ICPM) and yield performance under different tillage measures. Four tillage treatments including no-tillage (NT), shallow tillage (ST), deep tillage (DT) and DT-ST alternate rotation (DST) were set up before wheat sowing. The results showed that: ① Different tillage methods have different effects on SOC accumulation through influencing soil carbon sequestration rate (RCS). Compared with NT, DT contributes to the rapid increase of SOC and AOC of each soil layer in the early reclamation period, and DST is helpful to maintain higher SOC and AOC contents of each soil layer in the later reclamation period. ST contributes to the accumulation of SOC and AOC in surface soil, but has less effect on SOC and AOC in deep soil compared with DT and DST. ② Different tillage practices have different effects on the stratification ratio (RS) of SOC. In the early reclamation stage, the RS of ST, DT and DST is significantly higher than that of NT. However, NT and ST have high SR in the later reclamation period, and the RS of DT and DST decreases significantly. ③ By influencing SOC and AOC accumulation, different tillage practices affect the carbon pool index (ICP) and carbon pool activity index (IA) of each soil layer, thus affecting ICPM. After eight years of reclamation, the ICP, IA and ICPM of each soil layer in ST, DT and DST are higher than those of NT. DST has the highest ICP, IA and ICPM due to its accumulation of the highest SOC and AOC. DT promotes the mineralized decomposition of SOC due to its long-term over-ploughing, resulting in lower ICP, IA and ICPM than DST. Although ST can increase SOC and ICP in surface layer, its IA is lower than that of DT and DST, resulting in a significant decrease in ICPM. ④ Different tillage methods also affect crop production by affecting soil carbon sequestration. At the early stage of reclamation, the yield increase rate (YIR) and grain yield of ST, DT and DST are all higher than those of NT, DT has the highest yield and YIR, and DST has the highest gain yield and YIR at the late stage of reclamation. The correlation analysis shows that DT contributes to crop production by rapidly increasing the SOC content of whole soil layer at the early stage of reclamation, while at the later stage of reclamation, DST contributes to crop production by increasing the AOC and SOC content of the whole soil layer and reducing the SR of SOC. In conclusion, based on soil carbon sequestration and crop production capacity, DT should be adopted in the early stage of reclamation, DST is a better tillage method in the late stage of reclamation, while NT and ST are not conducive to the rapid improvement of soil carbon sequestration and crop productivity of reclaimed farmland.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    temporal response of carbon pool;agricultural productivity;land reclamation;tillage methods;carbon sequestration rate;stratification ratio

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    马守臣,王新生,刘赛赛,等. 不同耕作方式对矿区复垦耕地的碳库时间效应和耕地生产力的影响[J]. 煤炭学报,2023,48(7):2858−2868.
  • Citation
    MA Shouchen,WANG Xinsheng,LIU Saisai,et al. Temporal response of soil carbon pool and agricultural productivity to different tillage methods in reclaimed land of mining area[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(7):2858−2868.
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 不同耕作方式的土壤有机碳(SOC)含量变化

    图(5) / 表(0)


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