• 论文
  • Title

    Review of the development of intelligent coal blending system

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Han;SONG Lei;LI Xin;ZHENG Yu-xuan;ZHENG Bo-cong;WANG Pei-jian

  • 单位


  • Organization
    China Coal Tianjin Design & Engineering Co. , Ltd.
    Tangshan Modun Technology Co. , Ltd. , Tangshan
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    This paper presents a comprehensive review of the development, key technologies, and applications of intelligent coal blending in the coal industry. With the adjustment of energy structure and the demand for environmental protection, intelligent coal blending technology is playing an increasingly important role in the coal industry. The paper begins by introducing the concept,background, and significance of intelligent coal blending technology. It then delves into the key technologies involved, including intelligent optimization algorithms and big data analytics, among others, which are applied in the coal blending process. The application of these technologies has made the coal blending process more intelligent and precise, enhancing the utilization efficiency of coal resources and environmental performance. In the current situation, the demand for energy is increasing day by day, for our country, coal occupies a large proportion of the energy field, it has a pivotal position. In our country's coal field, coal processing plays a decisive role, and for the current technology, the intelligent coal blending technology is one of the important links,therefore, the intelligent coal blending technology has been popularized in the coal industry. This paper mainly describes the intelligent coal blending technology to achieve the means, advantages, current status and long-term development of the study.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal preparation plant;intelligent coal blending;coal processing;coal blending;iinformation technology;future development

  • 文章目录
    1 智能配煤系统组成
    1.1 软件系统
    1.2 硬件系统
    2 智能配煤的发展现状
    3 智能配煤在选煤厂的应用
    3.1 智能配煤工艺
    3.2 智能配煤方法
    4 智能配煤的发展趋势
    5 结 语
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • 相关文章

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