Deformation mechanism and control of broken roof under the influence of advance bearing pressure
HAO Yinghao;WANG Shuai;ZHANG Xin;WANG Mingliang;SU Haitao
中天合创能源有限责任公司 葫芦素煤矿内蒙古科技大学 矿业与煤炭学院准格尔旗神陶煤炭运销有限责任公司 营沙壕煤矿内蒙古安科安全生产检测检验有限公司
为保证超前支承压力影响下破碎围岩的稳定性与支护系统的可靠性,以葫芦素煤矿21104工作面地质条件为研究背景,综合采用理论计算、数值模拟、现场实测等方法,建立了超前段顶板变形弹性地基梁力学模型,确定了顶板弯曲变形影响因素,提出了破碎围岩超前注浆锚索加固技术。结果表明:顶板弹模仅影响巷道上方顶板挠度,帮部弹模控制顶板整体弯曲变形;超前支承压力及集中系数随工作面推进呈现先快速增大后缓慢增大的趋势,最终趋于平稳;注浆锚索超前支护试验工作面存在35 m高应力区,锚索富裕系数较高、围岩变变形程度较低(<210 mm)、顶板完整性较强,验证了该技术手段的可行性及有效性。
To ensure the stability of broken surrounding rock under the influence of advance abutment pressure and the reliability of support system, the 21104 working face of Hulusu Coal Mine is taken as the research background. By means of theoretical calculation, numerical simulation and field measurement, a mechanical model of the elastic foundation beam for the deformation of the super front roof is established, the influencing factors of the bending deformation of the roof, the leading bearing pressure and the main controlling factors of the concentration coefficient are determined, and the advance grouting anchor cable reinforcement technology for broken surrounding rock is proposed. The results show that the roof elastic modulus only affects the roof deflection above the roadway, and the side elastic modulus controls the overall bending deformation of the roof. The advanced support pressure and concentration coefficient show a rapid increase followed by a slow increase trend with the advancement of the working face, and finally tend to stabilize. There is a 35 m high stress area in the grouting anchor cable reinforcement test face, the anchor cable has a high abundance coefficient, the surrounding rock deformation is low (<210 mm), and the roof integrity is strong, which verifies the effectiveness and feasibility of this technical means.
support pressure;grouting reinforcement;sensitivity;elastic foundation;deformation of surrounding rock
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会