Current Application Status and Technical Challenges of Microalgal-Bacterial Consortium Wastewater Treatment Technology
HE Zhaoming;CHEN Zhipeng;YU Sheng;QIU Shuang;GE Shijian
In the context of the national "dual carbon" target, the microalgal-bacterial consortium(MBC) system has emerged as a promising wastewater treatment technology. Leveraging its distinctiveEnergy Environmental Protectionadvantages in low-carbon resource recovery and high-value biomass production, MBC is increasinglybecoming a focal point of research in the wastewater treatment sector. By harnessing these interactionsbetween microalgae and bacteria, MBC collaboratively targets pollutants in wastewater, convertingthem into renewable energy and valuable biomass products, thereby fulfilling the dual objectives ofwastewater treatment and resource recovery. This process not only aligns with these principles of greenand environmentally friendly development but also provides a viable technological pathway forsustainable development. However, despite these notable benefits of MBC technology in wastewatertreatment and resource recovery, its practical application encounters several challenges. Thephysicochemical properties and biological activities of MBC are affected by various factors, particularlyfluctuations in wastewater quality and changes in environmental conditions such as temperature, lightintensity, and pH levels. These factors can result in instability in the treatment performance of MBCsystems, thereby restricting the widespread adoption and practical efficacy of this technology on a largescale. Consequently, it is essential to thoroughly investigate and understand the symbiotic mechanismsamong microorganisms within the MBC system, as well as the influence of external environmentalfactors on its system performance. To enhance the efficiency and stability of MBC systems, this reviewconducts a comparative analysis of the fundamental principles, cultivation methods, and operationalcharacteristics of MBC and indigenous MBC technologies. It explores the interaction patterns betweenmicroalgae and bacteria and examines the mechanisms by which ecological factors impact systemoperations. Furthermore, this review summarizes the prevalent system models of current MBC systems,discussing the advantages and disadvantages of different models and their suitability. In terms ofengineering applications, this review provides a comprehensive review of the research advancements inMBC wastewater treatment technology, focusing on the achievements and challenges of MBCtechnology in pilot and full-scale applications worldwide. By comparing application cases from variouscountries and regions, this review identifies the technical bottlenecks faced by MBC technology inpractical operations and explores the key technical issues that need to be overcome in the future.Finally, the review anticipates the future research directions and application prospects of MBCtechnology, highlighting the necessity and feasibility of further promoting the large-scale application ofthis technology. This review offers a thorough analysis of the current status and future potential of MBCsystems in sustainable wastewater treatment, providing theoretical support for the practical applicationof MBC.
Microalgal-bacterial consortium system;Wastewater treatment;Green low-carbontechnology;Resource recovery;Engineering cases
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会