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  • Title

    Effect of Bromide Ions on the Transformation of Natural OrganicMatter and the Formation of Halogenated Byproducts in theUV/chlorine Oxidation Process

  • 作者


  • Author

    RUAN Xiaoxue;XIANG Yingying;YANG Xin

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University
    Zhongshan Association for Science and Technology
    NanyangEnvironment & Water Research Institute, Nanyang Technological University
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    The  UV/chlorine  advanced  oxidation  process  (AOP),  which  generates  various  highlyreactive  radical  species,  effectively  degrades  micropollutants  and  inactivates  microorganisms.  Theubiquitous presence of natural organic matter (NOM) in water leads to the generation of chlorinateddisinfection  byproducts,  while  the  presence  of  bromide  induces  the  generation  of  brominateddisinfection  byproducts,  which  are  known  to  pose  threats  to  ecological  safety  and  human  health.However,  research  has  primarily  focused  on  conventional  disinfection  byproducts  due  to  thecomplexities  associated  with  NOM,  the  diversity  of  halogenated  byproducts,  and  the  limitations  ofanalytical techniques. In this study, Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) was applied to elucidate the influence of bromide ions on the transformation of NOM and thegeneration  of  halogenated  byproducts  in  the  UV/chlorine  AOP.  The  introduction  of  bromide  in  theUV/chlorine AOP facilitated the generation of hypobromous acid and bromine-containing radicals (suchas Br, BrO, , and BrOH). This alteration in radical speciation led to significant transformations ofCHO  compounds  in  NOM,  particularly  those  with  higher  aromaticity.  The  newly  generated  CHOcompounds  were  mainly  tannin-like  and  alicyclic  molecules  rich  in  carboxyl  groups.  A  total  of  222bromine-containing compounds (CHOBr) were detected after the UV/chlorine AOP. Compared with theCHOBr  compounds  detected  in  dark  chlorination,  these  CHOBr  compounds  had  significantly  lowercarbon numbers and AI values. Analysis of the precursors of these CHOBr, considering both additionreactions (AR) and substitution reactions (SR) as pathways, showed that these precursors had low O/Cratios  or  high  H/C  ratios.  These  precursors  were  predominantly  lignin-like  compounds  and  highlyunsaturated  and  phenolic  compounds.  The  SR  precursors  had  lower  aromaticity  compared  to  ARprecursors. The majority of CHOBr compounds generated during chlorination were removed during thepost-chlorination  process,  while  most  of  the  CHOBr  compounds  generated  in  the  UV/chlorine  AOPremained during the post-chlorination phase. In addition to CHOBr compounds, the number of CHOClcompounds identified in the UV/chlorine AOP in the presence of bromide ions was significantly lowerthan  that  in  the  absence  of  bromide  ions.  For  example,  there  were  333  one-chlorine-containingcompounds in the UV/chlorine AOP without bromide ions, but only 33 CHOCl compounds with thepresence of bromide ions. Meanwhile, compounds containing both Cl and Br were also detected in thisstudy. This study characterizes the formation of unknown brominated byproducts at the molecular leveland  elucidates  the  transformation  mechanisms  of  their  precursors.  These  findings  highlight  theimportance  of  brominated  byproducts  and  provide  a  reference  for  addressing  critical  issues  in  thepractical application of the UV/chlorine AOP.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    UV/chlorine;Advanced oxidation process;Natural organic matter;Bromide ions;Halogenated disinfection byproducts;FT-ICR MS

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    RUAN Xiaoxue, XIANG Yingying, YANG Xin. Effect of Bromide Ions on the Transformation of NaturalOrganic Matter and the Formation of Halogenated Byproducts in the UV/chlorine Oxidation Process[J]. EnergyEnvironmental Protection, 2025, 39(1): 99−112.
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