Research on Optimization of Cut−off Grade in Polymetallic Mines Using Imperialist Competitive Algorithm
XU Qianqian;GUO Jinping;WANG Xiaolin;LIU Yaxiong;XUE Tao
西安建筑科技大学 资源工程学院河南发恩德矿业有限公司
Cut−off grade is an important decision parameter in mining operations. In multi metal mining projects, determining a reasonable cut−off grade is the foundation for obtaining greater economic benefits for subsequent mining. Based on the maximum net present value method, a dynamic optimization model for the comprehensive cut−off grade of a polymetallic mine based on ICA algorithm was constructed for the two−stage production process of mining and selection. The optimal cut−off grade of a certain silver lead mine was dynamically determined. The example application shows that the model is suitable for determining the cut−off grade of polymetallic mines. During the lifespan of the mine, the optimal cut−off grade for a Pb−Au−Ag polymetallic material determined by the ICA algorithm was 2.619%, which later decreased to 1.331%. The total net present value of the mine was
polymetallic ore;imperialist competitive algorithm;comprehensive grade;maximum net present value method;cut−off grade
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会