Coupling Simulation Method and Experiment of Vertical Stirring Mill Based on DEM−CFD
QU Tie;MA Lifeng;SONG Xianzhou;WANG Zhaohua;ZHANG Shengqi;ZHAO Yanlong;JI Haonan
中信重工机械股份有限公司太原科技大学 机械工程学院洛阳矿山机械工程设计研究院有限责任公司
A coupling simulation method and experiment based on DEM−CFD were investigated to address the complex multi−phase coupling motion of spiral agitators, grinding media, and slurry inside the cylinder of a vertical stirring mill. Firstly, based on the working principle, the Discrete Element Method (DEM) was used to simulate the particle phase and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to simulate the fluid phase, respectively. A theoretical model of fluid−solid coupling inside the cylinder was constructed. Secondly, a simplified model of the experimental prototype was established, and the construction methods and parameters of the grinding sphere (DEM), slurry (CFD), and DEM−CFD coupling model were investigated, respectively. Then, the accuracy of different simulation models was verified by experiments. The results showed that the DEM−CFD simulation results were closer to the experimental values than DEM, there was a deviation of 5.43% between the torque obtained from DEM−CFD model and the experimental torque, while the DEM model had a deviation of 8.14%. By comparing the velocity, collision frequency, and agitator torque of the grinding spheres inside the cylinder, it was found that the slurry as a fluid domain had a significant impact on the movement of the grinding spheres. Its buoyancy and viscosity characteristics reduced the velocity and collision frequency, whereas it increased the torque of the spiral agitator.
vertical stirred mill;DEM−CFD;discrete element analysis;fluid−solid coupling;velocity of grinding sphere;collision frequency
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会