• 全部
  • Title

    Deformation characteristics and influential factors of the surface uplift of closed mines

  • 作者


  • Author

    LUO Jin;LI Yingming;GUO Qingbiao;ZHAO Guangming

  • 单位

    安徽理工大学 深部煤矿采动响应与灾害防控国家重点实验室安徽理工大学 矿业工程学院安徽理工大学 空间信息与测绘工程学院

  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory of Mining Response and Disaster Prevention and Control in Deep Coal Mines, Anhui University of Science and Technology
    School of Mining Engineering, Anhui University of Science and Technology
    School of Spatial Information and Geomatics Engineering, Anhui University of Science and Technology
  • 摘要





    结果显示,地下水位回升导致采空区上方岩层孔隙水压力增大,水位从30 m回升至150 m时,采空区中央孔隙水压力从5.99×102 kPa增加至2.17×102 kPa,而采空区四周区域孔隙水压力减小。在采高临界值之内,随着采高增加,覆岩回弹值和地表抬升值均增大,深埋岩层回弹显著,地表抬升存在滞后效应,在渗流时间达4个月后地表才开始抬升。水位回升高度对覆岩回弹和地表抬升有直接影响,地下水位升高,覆岩整体呈现回弹趋势,但随水位升高,覆岩回弹趋势降低,水位回升高度超过146 m后地下水位引起的回弹效果将会减弱。垮落带弹性模量衰减会显著加剧地表抬升效应,且抬升值与衰减程度呈线性正相关,垮落带弹性模量未衰减时地表抬升值为86.4 mm,衰减程度增加至50%时,地表抬升值为160 mm。研究成果明确了不同因素下地表抬升的变形特征及传导机制,为关闭矿井地下水回升引起地表抬升的进一步研究提供了重要参考。

  • Abstract

    The residual surface deformations of closed mines exhibit prolonged duration and complex evolutionary processes, potentially leading to unconventional phenomena like surface uplift, which affects the re-exploitation and reutilization of closed mines.


    This investigated a mining area in Huainan, Anhui Province as an example to explore the deformation mechanisms, characteristics, and influential factors of the surface uplift of closed mines. Through numerical simulations, this study analyzed the propagation process of surface uplift with an increase in the groundwater level. Accordingly, this study investigated the quantitative impacts of the mining height, groundwater level, and rock strength of the caving zone on the characteristics of the surface uplift. The results indicate that the pore water pressure in rock layers above the goaf increased with the groundwater level. Specifically, as the groundwater level increased from 30 m to 150 m, the pore water pressure in the central portion of the goaf increased from 5.99 × 102 kPa to 2.17 × 102 kPa, while that in the surrounding area decreased. Within the mining height threshold, the amplitude of overburden rebound and surface uplift increased with the mining height. The deeply buried rock layers exhibited significant rebound, while the surface uplift occurred after four months of seepage, suggesting a lag effect. An increase in the groundwater level exerted a direct influence on the overburden rebound and surface uplift. The increasing groundwater level resulted in an overall rebound trend of the overburden generally. However, the rebound trend became weak as the groundwater level increased further. Notably, the rebound effect lessened when the groundwater level exceeded 146 m. The attenuation of the modulus of elasticity of the caving zone significantly intensified the surface uplift, with the amplitude of the surface uplift exhibiting a linear positive correlation with the degree of the attenuation. Specifically, the amplitude of the surface uplift was 86.4 mm before the attenuation of the modulus of elasticity and was 160 mm as the degree of the attenuation increased to 50%. The findings of this study determine the deformation characteristics and propaganda mechanisms of surface uplift under different conditions, providing a significant reference for further research on the surface uplift of closed mines caused by an increase in the groundwater level.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    closed mine;increase in groundwater level;surface uplift source;dynamic mechanism;fluid-structure interaction;Huainan mining area

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    罗锦,李英明,郭庆彪,等. 关闭矿井地表抬升变形特征及其影响因素[J]. 煤田地质与勘探,2025,53(2):118−129.
  • Citation
    LUO Jin,LI Yingming,GUO Qingbiao,et al. Deformation characteristics and influential factors of the surface uplift of closed mines[J]. Coal Geology & Exploration,2025,53(2):118−129.
  • 图表
    • 关闭矿井地下水位变化

    图(14) / 表(4)


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