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摘 要



Abstract Mining-induced seismicity occurs in numerous underground mines worldwide where extraction is conducted at great depths or in areas characterised by complex tectonic structure. It is accompanied by rock bursts, which result in the loss of working functionality and the possibility of accidents among personnel. The issue of a constant and reliable seismic hazard evaluation is of key significance for both the safety of miners and the stability of production. Research on its improvement is directed at developing new interpretive solutions and methods. The nature of the presented solution is the complex interpretation of seismological data that characterise rock mass seismicity and of underground measurement results in the form of a map presenting the longitudinal wave propagation velocity distribution in the rock surrounding the mined coal seam. The solution was tested in hard coal mines located in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. The mines are equipped with a modern seismological system enabling the constant monitoring of seismicity together with hazard level evaluation as well as with seismic apparatus for conducting periodic measurements of the seismic wave propagation velocity before the mining face. Comprehensive seismic hazard evaluation criteria were determined based on the obtained results, involving the anomaly of the Gutenberg–Richter law “b” value and the maximum longitudinal seismic wave propagation velocity in the roof rock. The obtained experience and the result validation of this new comprehensive hazard evaluation method confirm its practical usefulness and indicate the directions of improvement for the solution in question.


Fig. 1 Example magnitude threshold value determination

Fig. 2 Map of coal seam 510 with the location of longwall 02Aw and the geological profile of the roof strata

Fig. 4 Results of seismic measurements in the longwall 02Aw panel using active seismic geotomography: a 1st cycle b 2nd cycle

引用格式:Dubiński, J., Stec, K. & Krupanek, J. Comprehensive use of the Gutenberg–Richter law and geotomography for improving seismic hazard evaluation in hard coal mines. Int J Coal Sci Technol 10, 3 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40789-022-00561-6




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