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摘 要



Abstract The structural integrity of mine dumps is crucial for mining operations to avoid adverse impacts on the triple bottom-line. Routine temporal assessments of coal mine dumps are a compliant requirement to ensure design reconciliation as spoil offloading continues over time. Generally, the conventional in-situ coal spoil characterisation is inefficient, laborious, hazardous, and prone to experts' observation biases. To this end, this study explores a novel approach to develop automated coal spoil characterisation using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) based optical remote sensing. The textural and spectral properties of the high-resolution UAV images were utilised to derive lithology and geotechnical parameters (i.e., fabric structure and relative density/consistency) in the proposed workflow. The raw images were converted to an orthomosaic using structure from motion aided processing. Then, structural descriptors were computed per pixel to enhance feature modalities of the spoil materials. Finally, machine learning algorithms were employed with ground truth from experts as training and testing data to characterise spoil rapidly with minimal human intervention. The characterisation accuracies achieved from the proposed approach manifest a digital solution to address the limitations in the conventional characterisation approach.


Fig. 1 a Location of a selected mine dump site in New South Wales b Selected study area, ground control points (GCPs) and distribution of ground truth sample points in the selected dump site. The size of GCPs and sampling point locations are shown using visual markers, as the original points are not visible in the given map scale. These markers do not correspond to the actual size of the objects on the ground

Fig. 6 Lithological classification produced by a composite of optical data and data transformed with principal component analysis (RGB + PCA) using k-nearest neighbourhood (kNN)

Fig. 9 Overall accuracy and kappa coefficient of classification algorithms on composites formed using optical data and, optical + textural data. Precision, recall and F-score of classifications respectively for a Optical data b Optical + textural data transformed with principal component analysis (RGB + PCA) and c and d Optical + textural data transformed with independent component analysis (RGB + ICA)

引用格式:Thiruchittampalam, S., Singh, S.K., Banerjee, B.P. et al. Spoil characterisation using UAV-based optical remote sensing in coal mine dumps. Int J Coal Sci Technol 10, 65 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40789-023-00622-4




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