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摘 要

印度东北部新生代时代的Makum煤田因其多样的地球化学和地质特征而提供了大量研究机会。由于硫含量高,这种煤炭的工业用途较少。不过,它可以作为正在进行的煤基衍生产品研究的中心。这项研究工作的目的是调查取自Makum煤田的煤、矿山覆岩(MOB)和页岩样本的矿物学和地球化学成分,并建立它们之间的相互关系。为了确定Makum煤田地球化学控制因素的特征,研究采用了煤岩相学、傅立叶变换红外光谱、矿物学和地球化学分析。根据 X 射线衍射分析,煤和 MOB 中存在石英、高岭石、赤铁矿、伊利石、黄铁矿和方解石等主要矿物。通过 SEM-EDS 分析,黄铁矿呈立方体颗粒状,大小小于几微米。硫化物矿物的存在代表了黄铁矿的矿化阶段。

岩相学研究用于更好地了解植物材料形成过程中的环境,有助于确定煤炭中所含的碎屑矿物沉积物的数量。根据 ICP-MS 分析,样本中含有大量稀土元素,包括钇。本研究揭示了煤炭样本中较高的潜在有害元素浓度,与世界平均浓度相比,煤炭中的钒、铬、镍、铜和锌含量明显偏高。相关分析表明,钴、镍、砷和铜等潜在有害元素与黄铁矿有关联。因此,存在大量矿物和稀土元素 (REE),为该领域的更多研究开辟了一条新途径。这项研究还有助于研究人员了解Makum煤田的重要性,并为煤的特征描述提供了思路。


Abstract The Cenozoic-age Makum coal from northeastern India offers numerous research opportunities because of its diverse geochemical and geological characteristics. Due to its high sulfur content, the coal has been found to be less useful for industrial purposes. It can, however, serve as a hub for ongoing research on coal-based derivative products. The aim of this research work is to investigate the mineralogical and geochemical compositions of the coal, mine overburden (MOB) and shale samples taken from the Makum coal field and also on establishing a mutual relationship between them. To characterize the geochemical controlling factors of the Makum coal field, the study employs coal petrography, FTIR, mineralogical, and geochemical analysis. According to X-ray diffraction analysis, the major minerals like quartz, kaolinite, haematite, illite, pyrite, and calcite are present in coal and MOB. Pyrite is observed by SEM–EDS analysis as cubic-shaped particles that are smaller than a few µm in size. The presence of sulfide minerals represents a phase of pyrite mineralization. The petrography study was used to better understand the environment that existed during the formation of the plant material, which aids us in determining the quantity of detrital mineral sediment contained in the coal. According to the ICP-MS analysis, the samples indicate significant levels of rare earth elements including yttrium. The present study reveals higher concentrations of potential hazardous elements in the coal samples, with V, Cr, Ni, Cu, and Zn content in coal being considerably enriched compared to world-average concentrations. The correlation analysis reveals that the potential hazardous elements like Co, Ni, As, and Cu are associated with pyrite as they have strong affinity towards pyrite. Thus, numerous minerals and rare earth elements (REEs) exist, opening up a fresh avenue for more research in the area. This study also assists researchers in understanding the significance of Makum coal and provides numerous ideas for coal characterization.


Fig. 1 Makum Coal Basin regional geological map, Assam, India, modified after Ahmed (1996)

Fig. 2 Representative photomicrographs of macerals of Tirap colliery coals. Scale = 50 µm for all images. a Exsudatinite (ex) in telovitrinite (tv) and detrovitrinite (dv). b Suberinite (sub) and corpogelinite (cg). c Fungal hyphae (hy) in vitrinite. d Funginite (fg) in macrinite/detrital-inertinite matrix. e Funginite (fg) in detrital vitrinite/inertinite/liptinite matrix. f Funginite as sclerotia (fg) and hyphae (hy)

Fig. 4 Qualitative XRD-analysis of coal and MOB samples showing the presence of mineral phases (Q: Quartz; He: Haematite; P: Pyrite; Ca: Calcite; K: Kaolinite)

引用格式:Bhuyan, N., Islam, N., Saikia, M. et al. Geochemical and mineralogical evaluations of coal, shale, and mine waste overburden from Makum coalfield of the Northeast India. Int J Coal Sci Technol 10, 44 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40789-023-00602-8




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