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  2019年3月,《International Journal of Mining and Technology》期刊部及编委会根据学术质量、论文创新性和被引频次、下载量等文献计量学指标,遵循科学评价的基本原则,采用初选与终审相结合的方式,评选出最具影响力学术论文TOP10,《International Journal of Mining and Technology》期刊部将给予表彰并颁发入选证书。 本次入选TOP10的论文如下:

[1] Christopher Mark, Gauna Michael. Evaluating the risk of coal bursts in underground coalmines. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology,2016, 26(1):47-52.

[2] Zach Agioutantis, Kostas Kaklis, Mavrigiannakis Stelios, Verigakis M, Filippos Vallianatos, Saltas V. Potential of acoustic emissions from three point bending tests as rock failure precursors. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 2016, 26(1):155-160.

[3]  Iannacchione Anthony T, Tadolini Stephen C. Occurrence, predication, and control of coal burst events in the U.S. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 2016, 26(1):39-46.

[4] Abdollahipour Abolfazl, Fatehi Marji Mohammad, Yarahmadi BafghiAlireza, Gholamnejad Javad. DEM simulation of confining pressure effects on crack opening displacement in hydraulic fracturing. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 2016, 26(4):557-561.

[5] Puller Jesse W, Mills Ken W, Jeffrey Rob G, Walker Rick J. In-situ stress measurements and stress change monitoring to monitor overburden caving behavior and hydraulic fracture pre-conditioning. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 2016, 26(1):103-110.

[6] Zhang Peter, Peterson Scott, Neilans Dan, Wade Scott, McGrady Ryan, Pugh Joe. Geotechnical risk management to prevent coal outburst in room-and-pillar mining. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology,2016,26(1):9-18.

[7] Ji Yinlin, Ren Ting, Wynne Peter, Wan Zhijun, Ma Zhaoyang, Wang Zhimin. A comparative study of dust control practices in Chinese and Australian longwall coal mines. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology,2016,26(2):199-208.

[8] Guo Wenbing, Xu Feiya. Numerical simulation of overburden and surface movements for Wongawilli strip pillar mining. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 2016,26(1):71-76.

[9] Huang Bingxiang, Cheng Qingying, Chen Shuliang. Phenomenon of methane driven caused by hydraulic fracturing in methane-bearing coal seams. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 2016,26(5):919-927.

[10]Zhu Tantan, Jing Hongwen, Su Haijian, Yin Qian, Du Mingrui, Han Guansheng. Physical and mechanical properties of sandstone containing a single fissure after exposure to high temperatures. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 2016,26(2):319-925.



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