煤炭是全球重要的能源资源之一,在许多国家的能源结构中占据重要地位。中国的厚煤层储量丰富,对于保障能源供应起到关键作用。近年来,随着绿色智能开采技术在煤炭领域不断发展,煤炭工业正逐步进入新的发展阶段。中国及世界相关国家在此领域积累了丰富的学术成果与工程经验,但同时也面临着新的机遇与挑战。为了推动全球煤炭工业的高质量可持续发展,总结厚煤层开采理论与技术的学术成果与工程经验,探讨厚煤层开采未来发展方向,拟于2024年11月22-24 日在北京召开 2024 厚煤层绿色智能开采国际会议。
Coal is one of the most important energy resources in the world and occupies animportant position in the energy structure of many countries. China's rich reserves ofthick coal seams play a key role in securing national energy supplies. In recent years.with the continuous development of green intelligent mining technology, the coalindustry is gradually entering a new stage of development. China and other countries inthe world have accumulated rich academic achievements and engineering experience inthis field, but they are also facing new opportunities and challenges. In order to promotethe high-quality sustainable development of the global coal industry, summarize theacademic achievements and engineering experience of thick coal seam mining theoryand technology, and explore the future development direction ofthick coal seam mining.the 2024 Intemational Conference on Green Intelligent Mining of Thick Coal Seam isplanned to be held in Beijing on November 22-24, 2024.
The conference will be hosted byChina University of MiningandTechnology-Beijing, China Coal Society, China National Coal Association and otherinstitutions, and organized by the Coal Industry Engineering Research Center ofTop-Coal Caving Mining, Engineering Research Center of Green and Intelligent Miningof Thick Coal Seam of the Ministry of Education, the Coal Mine System EngineeringCommittee of China Coal Society, the School of Energy and Mining Engineering, ChinaUniversity of Mining and Technology-Beijing and the Sino-Türkiye Research Center forThick Coal Seam Mining, and co-organized by world famous mining universities. Theconference is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.51934008) and “Project 111”. This conference has been included in the Top AcademicConference (TAC)of China Association for Science and Technology.