Study on microseism monitoring of water disaster risk under multiple faults structure of lower coal floor
Nie Mingxun;
河北煤炭科学研究院有限公司矿井水害探测与防控国家矿山安全监察局重点实验室河北省矿井微震重点实验室 )
In view of the multiple faults geological structure and complex hydrogeological conditions of No.9207 Face in the north shaft of Dongpang Mine, the microseism monitoring technology was used to monitor the water disaster in real time. Through the study of the whole monitoring period of No.9207 Face, it was determined that no hydrogeological abnormal of hidden water conducting structure was found, and no vertical water conducting channel of floor was found in the range of working face. And the safety mining was realized.
microseism monitoring;multiple faults;geological structure;water conducting channel
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会