Determination of reasonable width of coal pillar and analysis of surrounding rock stability in roadway along gob
Liu Quanfu;Kong Fanyong
本文以义能煤矿1308工作面沿空掘巷为工程背景,采用UDEC数值模拟方法,基于现场地质条件建立了Trigon模型,并对模型进行了校正。分别研究了煤柱宽度为4、6、8、12 m时的巷道变形、煤柱裂隙、应力分布特征。数值模拟结果显示:在6 m煤柱宽度下,巷道围岩变形和内部裂隙分布相对合理,应力分布在关键部位较为均衡。开展工业性实验后,监测结果显示巷道整体控制效果良好,研究成果可为沿空掘巷不同煤柱宽度下的巷道稳定性提供有益参考。
Based on the engineering background of gob-side entry driving in No.1308 Face of Yineng Mine, the Trigon model was established based on the field geological conditions by using UDEC numerical simulation method, and the model was corrected. The roadway deformation, coal pillar cracks and stress distribution characteristics were studied when the coal pillar width was 4,6,8 and 12 m. The numerical simulation results showed that under the width of 6 m coal pillar, the deformation of roadway surrounding rock and the distribution of internal cracks were relatively reasonable, and the stress distribution was more balanced in key parts. After carrying out industrial experiments, the monitoring results showed that the overall control effect of the roadway was good. The research results could provide a useful reference for the stability of roadways under different coal pillar widths in gob-side entry driving.
coal pillar;stability of surrounding rock;cracks;trigon model
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会