Study on surface movement law in backfilling mining based on key strata theory
Zhang Tao
河北冀中邯峰矿业有限公司 大淑村矿
为研究充填开采引起的覆岩关键层和地表移动变形规律,以陶一煤矿铁路下超高水材料充填开采为工程实例,采用理论分析、数值模拟和现场实测相结合的方法进行研究。研究结果表明:等价采高为875 mm时基本顶发生断裂,此时充填率的临界值为75%;充填率达到80%后基本顶未发生断裂,基本顶、关键层和地表下沉是同步的,地表沉陷呈现弯曲下沉型盆地。现场实际充填率为82%,有效控制了基本顶和关键层的断裂,实测地表最大下沉量为401 mm,减沉率可达到85.3%,下沉系数为0.21,模拟结果与现场实测结果吻合。通过观测发现充填开采期间地表下沉速度平缓且未出现突然性沉陷,可保证地表铁路的安全运营。
In order to study the key layer of overlying rock and surface movement deformation caused by filling mining, the filling mining of super high-water material under the railway of Taoyi Mine was taken as the engineering example, the method of theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and field measurement was adopted. The results showed that the main roof would break when the equivalent mining height was 875mm, and the critical value of the filling rate was 75%.When the filling rate reached 80%, the main roof would not break, the main roof, the key strata and the surface subsidence were synchronized, and the surface subsidence presented a curved subsidence basin. The actual filling rate was 82%, and the fracture of the basic top and key strata was effectively controlled. The maximum subsidence of the measured surface was 401mm, the subsidence rate can reached 85.3%, and the subsidence coefficient was 0.21. The simulation results were consistent with the measured results. Through observation, it was found that the surface subsidence speed was gentle and without sudden subsidence during the filling mining, which ensured the safe operation of the surface railway.
key strata;backfill mining;surface movement regularity;numerical simulation;under railway;main roof
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会