Research on deformation failure characteristics and control technology in deep soft rock roadway
Hu Bin
山西焦煤集团西山煤电 官地煤矿
针对深部软岩巷道围岩变形大、原位应力高、岩层严重软裂等问题,以官地煤矿23601工作面运顺巷道为工程背景,通过现场勘测分析了深部软岩巷道变形破坏特征及原因,得出巷道埋深大、围岩强度低及原支护方案不合理是导致巷道发生变形破坏的主要原因,据此对原支护方案进行了优化设计。应用结果表明,采用优化支护方案后巷道顶板、底板及两帮最大变形量分别为138、79、114 mm,围岩变形得到有效控制。
Aiming at the problems of large peripheral rock deformation, high in-situ stress and serious soft cracking of rock layer in deep soft rock roadway, the transportation roadway in No.23601 Face of Guandi Mine was taken as the background of the project. Deformation and damage characteristics of the roadway were analyzed, and the reasons for the deformation and damage in deep soft rock roadway were the large depth of the roadway, low strength of the peripheral rock and the original support scheme through on-site investigation. On the basis, the original support scheme was optimized. The results showed that the maximum deformation of the roof, bottom plate and both sides of the roadway was 138mm, 79mm and 114mm respectively, and the deformation of the surrounding rock was effectively controlled.
deep soft rock;deformation failure;drill hole peeping;control technology
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会