• 全部
  • Title

    Research and application of roadway- hole transient electromagnetic method to explore geological structure technology

  • 作者


  • Author

    Song Xiaopu

  • 单位

    山西汾西瑞泰井矿 正明煤业

  • Organization
    Shanxi Fenxi Ruitaijing Mine Zhengming Coal Industry
  • 摘要

    为查明正明煤业上煤组集中皮带巷巷道前方富水异常区分布情况,在上煤组集中皮带巷P19号点前25 m处进行瞬变电磁法超前探测工作。由于此次探测巷道有钻机、掘进机等低阻干扰体,因此使用常规瞬变电磁法和巷孔瞬变电磁法进行探测,对比两者的探测效果。巷-孔瞬变电磁探测方法将大发射线框替换为多匝小线圈,发射线圈和接收装置布置在孔内,以钻孔为施工空间,利用巷孔瞬变电磁技术扩大钻孔控制的范围,精确定位孔旁未知的陷落柱等地质异常,实现一孔多用、为新钻孔提供钻探靶区的目的,从而降低钻探工作量,提高生产效率。

  • Abstract

     In order to find out the distribution of water abundance abnormal area in front of the concentrated belt roadway in the upper coal group of Zhengming Coal Industry, the transient electromagnetic method was used for advanced detection at 25 m before No.P19 point in the concentrated belt roadway of the upper coal group. Since the detection roadway had low-resistance interference bodies such as drilling rigs and roadheaders, conventional transient electromagnetic method and roadway-hole transient electromagnetic method were used to detect and compare the detection effects. The roadway-hole transient electromagnetic detection method replaced the large transmitting wire frame with a multi-turn small coil. The transmitting coil and receiving device were arranged in the hole. The drilling hole was used as the construction space. The roadway-hole transient electromagnetic technology was used to expand the scope of drilling control, and the geological abnormities such as unknown collapse columns near the hole could be accurately located. And the purpose of multi-purpose drilling and providing drilling target areas for new drilling holes could be achieved, therefore drilling workload was reduced and production efficiency was improved.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

     roadway-hole transient electromagnetics;drilling hole;one hole multi-purpose

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    宋晓璞. 巷-孔瞬变电磁方法探查地质构造技术研究与应用[J]. 煤炭与化工, 2025, 48(1): 78-83.
  • Citation
    Song Xiaopu. Research and application of roadway- hole transient electromagnetic method to explore geological structure technology. CCI, 2025, 48(1): 78-83.

主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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