Design of power supply system for 1751 working face in Gequan Mine
LV Xin
冀中能源股份有限公司 葛泉矿
在对葛泉矿1751工作面3 300、1 140、660 V主要设备的功率和电压等级计算的基础上,确定了工作面的供电方案及移动变电站的容量。对整体供电网络进行了计算分析,根据长时运行电流、启动和正常运行状态电压损失,确定了供电设计的整体合理性。经现场试运行,供电系统整体运行稳定,为该矿1751工作面安全高效开采奠定了良好的基础。
Based on the calculation of the power and voltage levels of the main equipment of 3 300 V, 1 140 V and 660 V in the 1751 working face of Gequan Mine, the power supply scheme of the working face and the capacity of the mobile substation are determined. The overall power supply network is calculated and analyzed, and the overall rationality of the power supply design is determined according to the long-term operating current, start-up and normal operating state voltage loss. After field trial operation, the overall operation of the power supply system is stable, which lays a good foundation for the safe and efficient mining of the 1751 working face of the mine.
power supply system;evaluation verification;equipment selection;voltage loss
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会