System assessment of integrating calcium looping and chemical loopinghydrogen generation processes for cement plants decarbonization
HE Song;WANG Dan;ZHENG Yawen;GAO Lifan;WANG Junyao;YANG Zhi;ZENG Xuelan
Zero-carbon fuel substitution and CO2 capture will play a crucial role in the decarbonization of cement plants. This paperproposes an integration scheme that combines the calcium looping process with the chemical looping hydrogen generation process (CaL-CLHG). The CaL-CLHG scheme offers the advantage of recovering waste heat from the cement production process for hydrogengeneration. Besides, the CaL-CLHG scheme avoids the power consumption associated with air separation in the traditional calciumlooping process (CaL-Oxy). Results indicate that the specific primary energy consumption for CO2 avoided can be achieved at 2.68 GJ/tin the CaL-CLHG scheme. This represents a reduction of 33.5% compared to the CaL-Oxy scheme. Economic analysis indicates that thecost of CO2 avoided can be reduced from 56.6 $/t in the CaL-Oxy scheme to the range of 34.2-41.6 $/t in the CaL-CLHG scheme. Inconclusion,adopting the CaL-CLHG process for the decarbonization of existing cement plants presents a techno-economically feasibleoption.
calcium looping;chemical looping hydrogen production;cement decarbonization;CO2 capture
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会