Application of D-InSAR in monitoring the impacts of shaft grouting on surface and building deformations
LIU Hui;LU Rumeng;SU Lijuan;CHENG Shiguang;ZHANG Pengfei;CHENG Hua
安徽大学 资源与环境工程学院安徽省矿山生态修复工程实验室安徽大学 数学科学学院中煤新集能源股份有限公司
结果表明:(1) 与水准监测相比,D-InSAR地表沉降监测平均误差1.70 mm,最大误差2.70 mm,D-InSAR监测地表微小沉降精度可靠,能够满足工业广场地表沉降监测的要求。(2) 井筒注浆工程实施前,地表及建筑物呈持续下沉状态,监测期内最大下沉量为21.12 mm;工程实施后,下沉趋势减缓并逐渐趋于稳定;分析井筒应变监测结果和地面沉降变化可知,注浆修复效果显著,在井筒周围形成隔水帷幕。(3) 监测结果显示,注浆前后地表经历“连续下沉—微量抬升—轻微沉降—趋于稳定”4个阶段,注浆初期对地表沉降抑制作用明显,注浆中地表略有抬升,工程结束后轻微沉降直至稳定。(4) 监测期内主要建筑物变形均小于《建筑物、水体、铁路及主要井巷煤柱留设与压煤开采规程》(2017版)中Ⅰ级损坏标准,处于安全阈值内,注浆工程进一步减缓了建筑物变形,保证建筑物安全。
In coal mining engineering, damaged well walls pose a threat to the safety of production facilities and mines. Comprehensively monitoring the impacts of shaft grouting on the deformations of mine surface plants and surface buildings is critical for ensuring the safe production of mines.
This study investigated a coal mine in the mining area within northern Anhui Province. Using the 15 scenes of Sentinel-1A image data covering the coal mine and the differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (D-InSAR) technology, this study comprehensively monitored the subsidence of mine surface plants and surface buildings before and after shaft grouting, obtaining information on the dynamic deformations of surface and buildings. Accordingly, this study analyzed the impacts of grouting on the surface and buildings.
mine safety;shaft grouting;D-InSAR;land subsidence;building deformation;mining area in northern Anhui
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会