Influence mechanisms of dynamic metamorphism on the evolution of micro/nano pore structures in tectonically deformed coals
LIU Hewu;LYU Xiaoxue;HOU Chenliang;XIONG Zuopeng
安徽理工大学 深部煤矿采动响应与灾害防控国家重点实验室安徽理工大学 地球与环境学院
结果表明:随着构造变形增强,超微孔(0.3~0.7 nm)孔径整体向小孔径方向偏移,微纳米孔隙体积分形维数和比表面积分形维数增大,非均质性增大,孔隙结构复杂度升高;分子结构测试和分子动力学模拟结果表明,脆性变形构造煤主要发生应力降解作用,煤分子结构中氢键、脂肪侧链和含氧官能团的断裂和解离促使分子结构活动性增强,并在构造应力作用下煤大分子结构初步被压缩;脆韧性和韧性变形构造煤可以发生显著的应力缩聚作用,煤中芳香结构发生旋转、折叠和重组等化学变化,形成排列更紧密的构造煤分子结构构型。因此,随着构造变形作用增强,煤大分子结构被不断压缩改变,分子结构间隙被分割,导致微纳米孔隙结构的形态和大小发生改变,孔隙复杂度升高,孔径整体向小孔径方向偏移。
Micro/nano pore structures in coals act as a significant space for gas occurrence. Exploring the evolutionary mechanisms of micro/nano pore structures in tectonically deformed coals (TDCs) under the influence of dynamic metamorphism assists in gaining a deep understanding of the mechanisms underlying coal and gas outbursts.
Using CO2 adsorption experiments, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and molecular dynamics simulations, this study investigated the evolutionary characteristics and mechanisms of micro/nano pore structures in different TDCs occurring within the No.72 coal seam of the Qi’nan Coal Mine in Suzhou Province.
The results indicate that with enhanced tectonic deformations, the pore sizes of ultra micropores (0.3 to 0.7 nm) shifted towards small pore sizes generally, and the micro/nano pores exhibited increased fractal dimensions of volumes and specific surface areas, intensified heterogeneity, and elevated complexity of pore structures. The results of molecular structure tests and molecular dynamics simulations reveal that the TDCs subjected to brittle deformations experienced primarily stress-induced degradation. Specifically, the activity of the molecular structures was enhanced by the breaking and dissociation of hydrogen bonds, aliphatic side chains, and oxygen-containing functional groups in the molecular structures of the TDCs, and the macromolecular structures of the TDCs were initially compressed under tectonic stress. In contrast, TDCs subjected to brittle-ductile and ductile deformations underwent significant stress-induced polycondensation. In detail, the aromatic structures in the TDCs experienced chemical changes like rotation, folding, and recombination, forming a more tightly arranged molecular structural configuration. Therefore, the enhanced tectonic deformations can lead to continuously compressed and changed macromolecular structures, as well as partitioned gaps between molecular structures. Consequently, the morphologies and sizes of micro/nano pore structures change, their pore complexity increases, and their pore sizes shift towards small pore sizes generally.
tectonically deformed coal(TDC);dynamic metamorphism;pore structure;molecular structure;influence mechanism
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会