Study on the spatial effect of digital economy development on carbon emission in western China
新疆师范大学 商学院丝绸之路经济带核心区产业高质量发展研究中心
Business School of Xinjiang Normal University
Research Center For High Quality Industrial Development In The Core Area of the Silk Road Economic Belt
选取2013—2022年我国西部11个省份的面板数据,运用固定效应模型、空间杜宾模型,实证分析了西部地区数字经济发展对碳排放的影响效应、中介效应、空间溢出效应和异质性。研究结果表明:① 西部各省数字经济发展对碳排放有抑制作用,但当不考虑经济发展水平、人口、产业结构等其他因素时,数字经济发展对碳排放有抑制作用不显著,而考虑其他因素时此作用显著。技术创新与能源结构对碳排放具有中介效应,数字经济通过影响技术创新和能源结构对碳排放产生抑制作用。② 西部地区碳排放具有空间负相关性。碳排放量较低的省份和较高的省份在空间上呈现出集聚的趋势,不同省份之间的碳排放存在差异性。③ 数字经济发展对碳排放的空间效应不明显。西部各省数字经济发展对碳排放量影响的直接效应、间接效应和总效应都不显著。
This paper selects the panel data of 11 provinces in western China from 2013 to 2022,and uses the fixed effect model and the spatial Durbin model to empirically analyze the impact effect,intermediary effect,spatial spillover effect and heterogeneity of digital economy development on carbon emissions in western China. The results show that:① The development of digital economy in western provinces has an inhibitory effect on carbon emissions,but when other factors such as economic development level,population and industrial structure are not considered,the development of digital economy has no significant inhibitory effect on carbon emissions,while the effect is significant when these other factors are considered. Technological innovation and energy structure have amediating effect on carbon emissions, and digital economy can inhibit carbon emissions by influencing technological innovation and energy structure.② Carbon emission in western China has a negative spatial correlation. Provinces with low carbon emissions and provinces with high carbon emissions show a trend of spatial agglomeration, and there are differences in carbon emissions among different provinces.③ The spatial effect of the development of digital economy on carbon emissions is not obvious.The direct,indirect and total effects of digital economy development on carbon emissions in western provinces are not significant.
digital economy;carbon dioxide emissions;spatial effect;western region;technological innovation;energy resource structure;mediating effect
茹仙古丽·吾甫尔, 娜迪拉·阿不都热苏力, 奥布力·塔力普. 西部地区数字经济发展对碳排放的空间效应研究. 煤炭经济研究. 2024, 44(5): 15-22
WUFUER·Ruxianguli, ABUDURESULI·Nadila, TALIPU·Aobuli. Study on the spatial effect of digital economy development on carbon emission in western China. Coal Economic Research. 2024, 44(5): 15-22