• 全部
  • Title

    Research on the influence of green gamification design on the pro-environmental behavior of the young generation

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Huiying;JIANG Xuehui;CAO Yuxin;DING Zhihua

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学 经济管理学院中国矿业大学 大数据营销与绿色创新研究中心

  • Organization
    School of Economics and Management,China University of Mining and Technology
    Big Data Marketing and Green Innovation Research Center, China University of Mining and Technology
  • 摘要
    绿色游戏化设计有效地拓宽了消费者的亲环境行为实践场景,有利于缓解气候变化和环境问题。以在线游戏化互动平台(蚂蚁森林)的青年用户为研究对象,从游戏化设计分类的角度出发,探索享乐型和功利型2类绿色游戏化设计对年轻一代(18~30岁)的亲环境行为的影响,并引入游戏化呈现方式的高低解释水平作为调节变量,探究绿色游戏化设计在亲环境情境下对年轻一代的影响机理。通过对问卷(N=974)的实证分析发现:① 享乐型和功利型绿色游戏化设计对年轻一代亲环境行为均有显著正向影响,并且情感共情和认知共情在两者之间起中介作用;② 高解释水平(非低解释水平)信息呈现方式对游戏化设计和共情之间关系有显著的正向调节作用。
  • Abstract
    Green gamification design effectively expands the practice scenarios of consumers' pro-environmental behavior,contributing to mitigating climate change and environmental issues. This study focuses on young users(18-30) of the online gamified interactive platform Ant Forest,examining the effects of hedonic and utilitarian green gamification designs on their pro-environmental behaviors. Furthermore,it introduces the level of construal(high vs. low) in gamified information presentation as a moderating variable to explore how green gamification designs influence pro-environmental behavior in young consumers. An empirical analysis of survey data(N=974) revealed the following findings:① Both hedonic and utilitarian green gamification designs have a significant positive impact on young consumers' pro-environmental behaviors,with emotional empathy and cognitive empathy serving as mediators in these relationships;② High-level construal information presentation (as opposed to low-level construal) significantly strengthens the relationship between gamification design and empathy.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    green gamification design;young generation;Ant Forest;pro-environmental behavior;interpretation level;empathy

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 引用格式
    张惠莹, 姜雪蕙, 曹雨欣, 丁志华. 绿色游戏化设计对中国年轻一代亲环境行为的影响. 煤炭经济研究. 2025, 45(1): 160-169
  • Citation
    ZHANG Huiying, JIANG Xuehui, CAO Yuxin, DING Zhihua. Research on the influence of green gamification design on the pro-environmental behavior of the young generation. Coal Economic Research. 2025, 45(1): 160-169

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