Application and Research on Intelligent Rapid Withdrawing Frame and Supporting Technology
Han Shengning
The traditional withdrawing frame technique in Baodian Coal Mine has problems such as insufficient roof support, risk of steel wire rope breakage, insufficient support in the triangular area, low withdrawing frame efficiency, and high withdrawing frame costs. A set of intelligent rapid withdrawing frame and supporting technology is designed, including stopping mining support, self movement of shield bracket, withdrawal bracket, and optimization of triangular area support. By using high strength polyester fiber flexible mesh and steel wire rope support system, the strength of roof support is improved; The self movement technology of the shield bracket achieves automated remote control operation, improving the efficiency of withdrawing frame and reducing labor intensity; The rapid withdrawing frame device eliminates the risk of steel wire rope breakage and shortens the withdrawing frame time. The application results of this technology in the 5316 withdrawal working face show that the number of withdrawing frame per shift increase from 6 frames to 7 frames, and the safety withdrawing frame operation is completed within 8.5 days, with significant safety and economic benefits.
fully mechanized mining;withdrawing frame;optimization
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会