• 全部
  • Title

    Mechanical response characteristics and damage mechanism of water-containing mudstone under low strain rate dynamic loading

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Guichen;YANG Sen;SUN Yuantian;LI Jinghua;HAO Haoran;SHAO Zeyu

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学 矿业工程学院中国矿业大学 深部煤炭资源开采教育部重点实验室

  • Organization
    School of Mining Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology
    MOE Key Laboratory of Deep Coal Resource Mining, China University of Mining & Technology
  • 摘要

    动载作用下富水泥质巷道围岩加速失稳破坏,已成为深部煤炭资源开采工程的突出问题,深入研究扰动荷载下含水泥质岩体的损伤机制具有重要意义。开展了泥岩低应变率动载扰动试验,分析了不同含水率、动载速率、动载强度等因素对泥岩力学响应特性的影响,阐明了动载扰动阶段的弹塑性变形行为特性,明确了泥岩不同加载阶段拉伸、剪切破坏分布特征,揭示了水岩及动载作用下泥岩细观结构演化机制。结果表明:① 低应变率动载对泥岩强度仍有弱化作用,泥岩抵抗动载扰动能力随含水率、动载速率、强度增大而降低,强度损伤最大分别达到28.47%、59.76%、31.56%。② 声发射特性参数规律表明加载过程中泥岩经历了初期损伤、损伤加剧、损伤平寂(加剧)、损伤发育4个裂隙演化阶段,动载扰动阶段各因素较低水平时Kaiser效应更明显,各因素较高水平时Felicity效应越显著。③ 初次动载扰动下泥岩的加载应变、塑性应变均最大,各因素较高水平时泥岩二次显著损伤时间提前;较高动载速率、强度试验中,扰动过程中加载应变与塑性应变关联性较高,且塑性应变始终大于弹性应变。④ 泥岩加载全过程中剪切破坏占比随着含水率的增大均有提升,其中动载阶段由干燥时6.94%显著增加至饱和时33.95%,宏观剪切破坏特征逐渐明显。⑤ 饱和泥岩中水的溶蚀及潜蚀作用、较高速率动载作用下胶结断裂、较高强度动载作用下颗粒胶结大范围位移是泥岩力学性能劣化的根本原因。⑥ 构建了考虑侧向应力与循环动载作用的泥岩损伤模型并利用不同含水率试样循环动载阶段加卸载应力−应变关系进行了验证,模型参数F0与参数m(mF0分别为关于Weibull分布的形状参数和比例参数)相比对泥岩试样强度的影响更显著。研究成果为揭示低应变率动载作用下含水泥质软岩的损伤机制提供了科学依据,有助于深入理解动载扰动下富水泥质巷道围岩加速失稳问题。

  • Abstract

    Accelerated instability and failure of surrounding water-rich mudstone in roadway under dynamic loading has become a prominent problem in deep coal resource mining, and it is of great significance to study the damage mechanism of water-containing mudstone mass under disturbing loads in depth. A low strain rate dynamic load disturbance test was carried out to analyze the effects of different water content, dynamic load rate and dynamic load intensity factors on the mechanical response characteristics of mudstone. The behavioral characteristics of elastic-plastic deformation during the dynamic load disturbance stage were also elucidated. The distribution characteristics of tensile and shear damage in different loading stages of mudstone were also clarified. The mechanisms of fine-scale structural evolution of mudstones under water-rock and dynamic loading were revealed. The results show that: ① low strain rate dynamic loading still has a weakening effect on the strength of mudstone, the ability of mudstone to resist the disturbance of dynamic loading decreases with the increase of water content, dynamic loading rate, and strength, and the strength damage reaches the maximum of 28.47%, 59.76%, and 31.56%, respectively. ② The acoustic emission characteristic parameter law shows that during the loading process, the mudstone has gone through four fracture evolution stages: initial damage, damage intensification, damage quiescence (exacerbation), and damage development, and the Kaiser effect is more obvious at the lower level of each factor in the dynamic loading perturbation stage, and the Felicity effect is more significant at the higher level of each factor. ③ The loading strain and plastic strain of the mudstone under the initial dynamic load disturbance are the largest, and the time of the second significant damage of the mudstone is advanced at higher levels of each factor. Higher dynamic loading rates and strength tests show a high correlation between loading strain and plastic strain during disturbance, and the plastic strain is always greater than the elastic strain. ④ The percentage of shear damage in the whole loading process of mudstone increases with the increase of water content, in which the dynamic loading stage increases significantly from 6.94% in dry to 33.95% in saturated, and the macroscopic shear damage characteristics are gradually obvious. ⑤ Dissolution and subduction of water in saturated mudstone, fracture of cementation under higher-rate dynamic loading, and wide-scale displacement of particle cementation under higher-intensity dynamic loading are the fundamental causes of the deterioration of mudstone mechanical properties. ⑥ A mudstone damage model considering lateral stress and cyclic dynamic loading was constructed and verified using the stress-strain relationship between loading and unloading during the cyclic dynamic loading stage of specimens with different water contents, and the model parameter F0 has a more significant effect on the strength of mudstone specimens compared with the parameter m. The model is based on the model of mudstone damage, and the model has a more significant effect on the strength of mudstone specimens. The research results provide a scientific basis for revealing the damage mechanism of water-containing mudstone under low strain rate dynamic loading, and helping to deeply understand the accelerated instability problem of surrounding water-rich mudstone in roadway under a dynamic loading disturbance.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    low strain rate;dynamic disturbance;water-containing mudstone mass;mechanical response;damage mechanism

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 图表
    • 泥岩试样含水率变化曲线

    图(21) / 表(4)


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