Effect of filling materials on reclaimed soil potassium adsorption and desorption in mining area
JING Kexin;DONG Zhoubin;BO Huaizhi;WANG Zhiliang;HU Shaohao;LI Xinju;MIN Xiangyu
自然资源部采煤沉陷区综合治理工程技术创新中心山东农业大学 资源与环境学院中国矿业大学 环境与测绘学院山东省地矿建设有限公司山东省鲁南地质工程勘察院(山东省地质矿产勘查开发局第二地质大队)
煤矿开采造成土地沉陷、土壤环境破坏和农田养分流失,采用不同材料充填复垦是目前中国东部矿区修复沉陷土地的常用方法。钾作为作物生长发育的关键元素,探究其在复垦土壤中的有效性十分必要。为了研究不同填充材料复垦土壤中钾的有效性及其影响因素,文章选择以煤矸石(MGS)、湖泥(HN)、黄河砂(HHS)为填充材料的复垦土壤为研究对象,采用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、傅里叶红外光谱仪(FTIR)、电子显微镜(SEM)以及比表面及孔隙度分析仪(BET)对复垦土壤进行表征分析,利用吸附等温线试验和连续流液法吸附、解吸动力学实验测定并通过相应模型描述复垦土壤对钾的吸附、解吸特征。结果表明:不同材料充填复垦土壤的矿物组成、官能团组成、微观形貌、表面结构均与正常耕地存在差异。3种材料充填复垦土壤XRD图谱中伊利石的衍射峰以及FTIR曲线中由伊利石引起的—OH等特征峰均减弱,复垦土壤表面更加光滑,比表面积和孔体积更小;所有充填复垦土壤各吸附、解吸参数均低于正常耕地(ZC),MGS充填复垦土壤吸附能力最强,其最大吸附量可达7.90~15.00 mg/g,HHS充填复垦土壤吸附能力最弱,其
Coal mining causes land subsidence, soil degradation, and nutrient depletion in agricultural areas. Filling and reclamation with various materials is a common method for restoring subsided land in the eastern mining areas of China. It is essential to explore potassium availability in reclaimed minesoils, as Potassium is a critical element for crop growth and development. To investigate the potassium availability of reclaimed minesoils and their influencing factors, we select the reclaimed minesoils filled with coal gangue (MGS), lake mud (HN), and Yellow River sand (HHS) as the research samples. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and specific surface and porosity analyzer (BET) are used to characterize the reclaimed soil. And determine the adsorption and desorption kinetics of the reclaimed soil through adsorption isotherm experiments and continuous-flow liquid method, and describe using the corresponding models. The results showed that the mineral composition, functional group composition, microscopic morphology, and surface structure of reclaimed minesoils filled with various materials differed from normal cultivated soil (ZC). The XRD patterns and FTIR curves of the reclaimed minesoils showed weakened diffraction peaks of illite and characteristic peaks of —OH groups caused by illite. Additionally, the surface of the reclaimed mine soils appeared smoother, and the specific surface area and pore volume were smaller than ZC. The adsorption-desorption parameters of reclaimed minesoils are lower than those of ZC. The MGS exhibits the largest adsorption capacity, with a maximum adsorption capacity (
coal mining subsidence areas;filling materials;reclaimed minesoil;soil potassium availability;adsorption-desorption characteristics
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会