• 全部
  • Title

    Research on the 9,10-dihyroanthrancene assisted catalytic pyrolysis of pine over nitrogen-doped activated carbon for preparation of alkoxyphenols

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Wentao;ZHANG Chengbo;LI Kai;NIU Qi;LI Jihong;LU Qiang;JIA Bao;GAO Lijuan

  • 单位

    华北电力大学 新能源发电国家工程研究中心中国电建集团西北勘测设计研究院有限公司

  • Organization
    National Engineering Research Center of New Energy Power Generation, North China Electric Power University
    Power China Northwest Engineering Corporation Limited
  • 摘要
    本研究以核桃壳基掺氮活性炭(NAC)为催化剂、以9,10-二氢蒽(DHA)为供氢剂,开展了松木选择性热解制备烷氧基酚研究,探究了氨水质量分数对NAC理化性能的影响,揭示了DHA/松木比、热解温度、NAC/松木比对烷氧基酚生成的调控机制。结果表明,合适的氨水质量分数能够改善NAC孔隙结构及活性位点分布,当氨水质量分数为15%时,所制备NAC对烷氧基酚的生成促进效果最佳;当DHA/松木比为1、热解温度为550 ℃、NAC/松木比为3时,烷氧基酚产率最大,为5.27%,明显高于纯松木直接催化热解时烷氧基酚产率(1.74%)。
  • Abstract
    In this study, nitrogen-doped activated carbon (NAC) was prepared from walnut shell and applied to the catalytic pyrolysis of pine for selective preparation of alkoxyphenols with 9,10-dihyroanthrancene (DHA) as the hydrogen donor. The effects of the mass fraction of ammonia solution on the physicochemical properties of NAC were investigated. The regulatory functions of DHA/pine ratio, pyrolysis temperature, and NAC/pine ratio on the generation of alkoxyphenols were revealed. The results showed that the pore structure and active sites distribution of NAC could be improved by proper mass fraction of ammonia solution. The NAC prepared at mass fraction of ammonia solution of 15% was the best for the production of alkoxylphenols. The yield of alkoxylphenols reached its maximum value of 5.27% at DHA/pine ratio of 1, pyrolysis temperature of 550 ℃, and NAC/pine mass ratio of 3, which was much higher than that from catalytic pyrolysis of pure pine (1.74%).
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    biomass;nitrogen-doped activated carbon;catalytic pyrolysis;9,10-dihyroanthrancene;alkoxyphenols

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    国家自然科学基金(52276188, 52276189),江苏省碳达峰碳中和科技创新专项(BE2022307)和“西安英才计划”青年人才项目(XAYCQN21002)资助
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    李文涛, 张成博, 李凯, 牛琦, 李继红, 陆强, 贾宝, 高丽娟. 基于9,10-二氢蒽强化的掺氮活性炭催化松木热解制备烷氧基酚研究[J]. 燃料化学学报(中英文), 2024, 52(7): 988-994.
  • Citation
    LI Wentao, ZHANG Chengbo, LI Kai, NIU Qi, LI Jihong, LU Qiang, JIA Bao, GAO Lijuan. Research on the 9,10-dihyroanthrancene assisted catalytic pyrolysis of pine over nitrogen-doped activated carbon for preparation of alkoxyphenols[J]. Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, 2024, 52(7): 988-994.
  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • NAC的N2吸附-脱附曲线及孔径分布

    图(7) / 表(2)


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