Analysis and prediction of fatigue residual strength of asphalt mixture in semi-circular bending tests
LI Youyun;CHE Xiangyu;SHEN Yanmei;LÜ Yan;GAO Yingli
To reveal the law of fatigue residual strength of asphalt mixture under bending and tensile action, this study carried out the fatigue tests and fatigue residual strength tests on AC-13C asphalt mixture and asphalt mixture containing aggregates AC-9.5, AC-4.75, AC-2.36 and AC-1.18 based on semi-circular bending tests. By numerical model combining with multi-scale algorithm, it predicted the residual strength and attenuation law of residual strength of asphalt mixture at different damage degrees. The predicted results were compared with the results of asphalt mixture semicircular bending tests. The results show that the numerical model established by using multi- scale algorithm can predict the residual strength of asphalt mixture more accurately. The predicted results are in good agreement with those of the semicircular bending tests.
asphalt mixture;semi-circular bending test;multiple scale prediction;fatigue damage;residual strength of flexural tension
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会