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  • Title

    Application of Borehole Hydraulic Flushing Technology to Soft and Outburst Seam with Low Permeability

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  • 摘要
    针对嘉禾县罗卜安煤矿煤层松软低透气性的现状,选择了水力冲孔增透措施,介绍了水力冲孔增透机理及基本工艺流程,研究了水力冲孔在松软低透突出煤层区域抽放消突措施中的应用效果。研究表明,水力冲孔在松软低透突出煤层区域抽放消突措施中应用效果显著,单孔冲出煤体7t,冲出瓦斯558.3 m3,抽放钻孔等效孔径提高13.38倍,钻孔抽放有效影响半径提高2~3倍,单孔瓦斯预抽浓度提高4~5倍,抽放衰减周期提高3倍以上。
  • Abstract
    According to the present status of the soft and low permeability seam in Luobo'an Mine , Jiahe County,a borehole hydraulic flushing and permeability mea sures were selected. The borehole hydraulic flushing and permeability mechanism and the basic technical procedure were introduced.The application effect of the boreh ole hydraulic flushing in the soft and low permeability and outburst seam region for the gas drainage and outburst elimination measures was studied. The study showed t hat the application effect of the borehole hydraulic flushing in the soft and low permeability outburst seam region for the gas drainage and outburst prevention measures was obvious.seven tons of coal could be flushed from one single borehole 558.3 m3 gas could be flushed from one single borehole,the equivalent borehole diameter of the drainage borehole was improved by 13.38 times,the effective drainage influence radius of the borehole could be improved by 23 times,the pre-drained gas content 0 f the borehole could be improved by 45 times, the drainage attenuation period could be improved over 3 times.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    borehole hydraulic flushing;outburst prevention mechanism;soft and low permeability seam;regional outburst elimination;equivalent borehole diameter;dr ainage effective influence radius;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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