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  • Title

    Study on Measurement and Calculation of Critical Surface Tension of Wetting Coal with Water

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  • 摘要
    为了提高煤层注水效果,描述了水对煤的润湿过程,试验测试了6种水溶液的表面张力及其与成庄矿煤样的接触角,利用Zisman方法计算得到了成庄矿煤样的临界表面张力。结果表明,肥皂水的表面张力最低,成庄矿煤样的平均临界表面张力为17.15 mN/m,表面张力低于17.15mN/m的水能够对该煤样完全润湿和铺展;表面张力大于17.15 mN/m的不同种类水,表面张力越逼近该值,其润湿效果越好,并提出可以利用临界表面张力来评价矿井水润湿煤的效果。
  • Abstract
    In order to improve the seam water injection effect, the paper introduced the coal wetting process with water.The coal surface tensions with six different aqueous solutions and the contact corner of coal samples from Chengzhuang Mine were tested and measured.The Zisman method was applied to calculate the critical s urface tension of the coal samples from Chengzhuang Mine.The results showed that the surface tension with suds would be the lowest and the average critical surface t ension of coal samples from Chengzhuang Mine would be 17.15 mN/m.As the surface tension lower than 17.15 mN/m, the water could make the coal fully wetted and fu lly expanded.Different kind water to make the surface tension higher than 17.15 mN/m, the surface tension more closely to the value and the wetting effect would be bet ter.The critical surface tension could be applied to evaluate the effect of the coal wetting with mine water.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    wetting;contact corner;critical surface tension;seam water injection;

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