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  • Title

    Raw Coal Density Affected to Surface Zeta Potential of Muddy and Slime Particle

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  • 摘要
    对淮南矿区丁集选煤厂50~0.5 mm不同密度级原煤进行了泥化试验,采用X-射线衍射仪和电泳试验分别对原煤矿物组成和煤泥微细颗粒表面电位进行了测定。结果表明:入选原煤中主要矿物成分有石英、高岭石、绿泥石等;高密度和中间密度级原煤泥化率大,+1.60 g/cm3原煤泥化煤泥中-0.045 mm颗粒最多,其中约90%以上为-0.025 mm的微细颗粒;随着原煤密度的增大和煤泥粒度的减小,泥化煤泥微细颗粒表面电位呈减小趋势,水的硬度、原煤中可溶性盐及颗粒表面性质对煤泥微细颗粒电位产生重要影响,微细煤泥颗粒表面电位增大会导致其在煤泥水中处于更加稳定的分散状态。
  • Abstract
    The muddy experiment on 50.5 mm different density raw coal from Dingji Coal Preparation Plant of Huainan Mining Area was conducted.The X-ray diffr actor and the electrophoresis experiment was individually applied to measure the raw coal mineral composition and the zeta potential on the micro particle surface of th e slime.The results showed that the main mineral composition of the raw coal to be prepared would be including quartz, kaolinite, green mudstone and others.The mudd y rate of the high density and medium density raw coal was high.In the muddy slime of the +1.60 g/cm3 raw coal, the-0.045 mm particles would be the majority and the- 0.025 mm micro particles would be over 90%.With the raw coal density increased and the slime particle reduced, the zeta potential on the micro particle surface of the muddy slime would be reduced in potential.The water hardness, the soluble salt in the raw coal and the particle surface property would have important influence to the zeta potential occurred on the slime micro particle.The zeta potential increased on the slime micro particle surface would cause the particles in the slime water in more stable dispersed state.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    raw coal density;muddy;micro-particle;zeta potential;coal slime water;

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