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  • Title

    Theoretical and Experiment Study on Vadose Conversion of Water Inrush Later Occurred from Structure Broken Zone

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  • 摘要
    为了揭示煤矿构造破碎带易发生滞后大型突水内在机理,寻求其治理理论和试验依据,在收集我国煤矿典型断层和陷落柱滞后型突水实例并分析其特征的基础上,设计进行了高水压下构造破碎带突水模拟试验,得到了不同充填物类型构造破碎带,在1~5 MPa的水压下,充填物冲出量、突水量随时间的变化曲线;发现水压小时构造破碎带突水量随时间变化不大、高水压下由小到大变化过程特征。据此进行理论分析认为,高水压条件下构造破碎带突水是一伴随内部组成结构变化的"孔隙流—裂隙流—管道流"渗流类型转换过程,渗流转换是构造破碎带滞后型突水的内在机理;治理构造破碎带大型突水就是改造其管道、裂隙状结构成孔隙介质直至不透水带的过程。
  • Abstract
    In order to reveal the inherent mechanism of a large water inrush later occurred from the structure broken zone in a mine and to seek the control theory and the experiment bases, based on the collection of the mine typical fault and sink hole late type water inrush cases and the analysis of the features, a water inrush si mulation experiment from structure broken zone under a high water pressure was designed and conducted.The variation curves of the flling material inrush quantity an d the water inrush quantity with the time were obtained from the different flling material type structure broken zone under the water pressure of 15 MPa.It was found tha t when the water pressure was low, the water inrush quantity from the structure broken zone would be no big variation with the time passed and when the water pressur e was high, the water inrush quantity would have a feature of small quantity to high quantity process.The theoretical analysis showed that the water inrush from the stru cture broken zone under the high water pressure condition would be a conversion process of the " pore flow to crack flow to pipeline flow" with the inner composition str ucture variation.The vadose conversion would be the inherent mechanism of the late type water inrush from the structure broken zone.The treatment and control of the I arge water inrush from structure broken zone would be a process to reform the pipeline and crack structure to the pore medium and till no permeability zone.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    structure broken zone;water pressure;mud (sand) inrush;water inrush;vadose conversion;

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