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  • Title

    Gas Drainage Technology for False Inclined Rear High Drainage Roadway with Strike High Level Gas Drainage Roadway

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  • 摘要
    针对寺家庄矿回采工作面初采期瓦斯涌出异常,邻近层瓦斯涌出量大的问题,采用伪倾斜后高抽巷配合走向高抽巷技术,对其抽放技术机理和抽放效果进行了研究。结果表明:伪倾斜后高抽巷能成功解决初采期瓦斯的不均衡涌出和频繁超限的难题,使初采时间缩短了9 d;走向高抽巷在冒落"三带"形成后,抽放纯量增加至110.71 m3/min,抽放率达88.35%,抽放效果良好。
  • Abstract
    According to the abnormal gas emission occurred at the initial mining period of the coal mining face and the large gas emission problem of the neighbor seams in Sijjazhaung Mine,a false inclined rear high drainage roadway with the strike high level gas drainage roadway technology was applied to study the gas drainag e technology mechanism and the gas drainage effect.The results showed that the false inclined rear high drainage roadway could successfully solve the disproportion g as emission and frequently over limit problems occurred at the initial mining period of the coal mining face and the initial mining period could be reduced by nine days.T he strike high level gas drainage roadway after the falling "three zones" formed, the gas drainage pure value could be increased to 110.71 m3/min,the gas drainage rate could be reached to 88.35% and good gas drainage effect was obtained.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    strike high level gas drainage roadway;false inclined rear high drainage roadway;gas drainage;gas content over limit;

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主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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