• 全部
  • Title

    New mine shaft sinking headframe with single platform applied to construction of deep and large diameter mine shaft

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Zhiqiang WANG Bo DU Jianmin LI Minglou

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Schoal of Mechanics and Civil Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology State Key Lab of Deep
    Geomechanics and Underground Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology China Huaye Group
    Company Limited
  • 摘要
    为解决我国已定型凿井井架承载能力及结构尺寸等难以满足目前深大立井井筒凿井施工需求的现状,研制开发了适用立井井筒直径8~12 m、深度1 200 m条件的新型凿井井架。系统介绍新型单平台凿井井架的设计思路、结构特点和主要技术特征,优化、创新了新型凿井井架天轮平台和支撑体系结构,共包括2个系列(单平台、双平台)各3种规格(适用井径<8 m、8~10 m、10~12 m),最多可同时布置4套提升装置,最大悬吊荷重达10 000 k N以上。研制的单平台SA-3型凿井井架已在辽宁本溪思山岭矿副井(井筒直径10 m、深度1 503 m)井筒工程中应用,并进行了实际工况下凿井井架受力监测。结果表明:新型凿井井架具有可靠的承载性能和施工适用性,凿井设备布置空间更大,布置方式更加灵活,可有效保障深大立井井筒的安全高效施工。
  • Abstract
    In order to solve the loading capacity of the approved type shaft sinking headframe, the geometry size and others hard to meet the present deep and lar ge diameter mine shaft construction requirements, a new mine shaft sinking headframe suitable to the mine shaft with a diameter of8~ 12 m and a depth of 1 200 m w as researched and developed. The paper systematically introduced the design idea, structure features and major technical features of the new mine shaft sinking headfr ame with a single platform. The new mine shaft sinking headframe optimized and innovated the sheave wheel platform and support system structure, including two serie s ( a single platform and double platform) ,each with three specifications ( suitable for the mine shaft with a diameter of
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mine shaft sinking headframe; single platform; deep and large diameter mine shaft; mine shaft sinking construction;

  • 相关文章

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