• 全部
  • Title

    Installment boundary optimization of cross exploitation and inner dumping in the inclined coal seam narrow elongated open-pit mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    BAI Runcai1 ,BAI Wenzheng1 ,LIU Guangwei1,3 ,CAO Bo1 ,LIU Yongxin1 ,LIU Peng2

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. Institute of Mining Technology,Liaoning Technical University,Fuxin  123000,China; 2. Montenegro Open-pit Coal Mine of Shenhua Xinjiang Energy Source Limited Liability Company,Toksun  838100,China; 3. Research Center of Coal Resources Safe Mining and Clean Utilization,Liaoning Technical Uni-versity,Fuxin  123000,China
  • 摘要
    为了使采用横采内排开采程序的倾斜煤层窄长形露天矿开采境界最优化,依据露天开采原理,提出一种分时期优化境界的方法。该方法依据剥离物流向流量的变化,将其矿山工程划分为3个时期,即:全部外排期、部分内排期、全部内排期;通过构建各时期剥、采、排工程位置模型,分析了开采过程中不同时期剥离物流向流量的变化对经济合理剥采比的影响,揭示了经济合理剥采比与内排工作线推进度的关系,构建了各煤、岩层边帮厚度拟合函数,阐释了采用循环判断方式确定剖面最优边帮位置的方法,给出了分期境界优化的原则、适用条件及优化模型。将此方法运用于神新能源黑山露天煤矿,结果表明:经济合理剥采比由8.06 m~3/t逐期增加至10.54 m~3/t,较原设计境界经济可采储量增加44.95 Mt,服务年限增加4.26 a,实现了露天开采经济效益最大化。
  • Abstract
    In order to optimize the mining boundary of the narrow and long strip open-pit using the cross exploitation and inner dumping mining procedure in inclined coal seam optimization,a method to optimize the state in different pe-riods is proposed,based on the principle of open-pit mining. Based on the changes of stripping logistic flow,the mining operation is divided into three periods,namely outside dumping,partial inside dumping,and inside dumping. Through the construction of location model related to each period of stripping,mining,and dumping,the authors analyzed the effect in the mining process from stripping logistic flow on the economic stripping ratio in different periods,revealed the relationship between the economic reasonable stripping ratio and the progress of the internal dumping line,constructed the fitting function of coal seam and rock wall thickness,explained the method of determining the optimal wall position of the profile by using the method of cyclic judgment,then the principle,application condition and optimization model of stage boundary optimization are given. This method is applied to the Shenxin Energy God Montenegro open-pit mine,and the result shows that the economic stripping ratio increased from 8. 06 m3 / t to 10. 54 m3 / t gradually. Com-pared with the original design,the level of economic recoverable reserves increased by 44. 95 Mt and the service life increased by 4. 26 a,achieving the maximum economic benefit of open-pit mining.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    narrow elongated open-pit mine;inclined coal seam;cross exploitation and inner dumping;economic strip-ping ratio;installment state optimization

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    BAI Runcai,BAI Wenzheng,LIU Guangwei,et al. Installment boundary optimization of cross exploitation and inner dumping in the inclined coal seam narrow elongated open-pit mine[ J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42 (10):2601 - 2608.
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