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  • Title

    Research on key mining technology of fully-mechanized working face with 8 m large mining height

  • 作者


  • Author

    YANG Junzhe

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Shenhua Shendong Coal Group Corporation Limited
  • 摘要
    为解决8 m厚煤层安全高效开采的问题,以补连塔煤矿首个8 m大采高为研究对象,通过联合技术攻关,形成了一批具有神东自主知识产权的关键技术。重型设备配套总功率达到13 009.4k W,装备技术水平得到进一步提升;在围岩控制方面,形成了大断面巷道支护技术、高压水致裂初次放顶技术、超强大阻力支架支护技术,总结出了超大采高矿压规律;在回采方面,形成了双支架垂直过渡工艺,提高了资源回采率;在信息化技术方面,形成了设备动态监测、数据采集等多种技术。通过一系列关键技术的应用,实现日产4.48万t,具备年产达1 550万t以上的生产能力,回采率达98.12%,为类似条件下8 m厚煤层开采提供技术指导和借鉴。
  • Abstract
    In order to solve the 8 m problem of the safe and efficient mining of thick coal seam, taking Bulianta Coal Mine first 8. 0 m large mining height mining fac e as the research object, through joint technical research, formed a group with independent intellectual property rights of the key technology of Shendong. Supporting a total power of 13 009. 4 k W was achieved in the supporting technology of heavy equipment, equipment and technology to further enhance the level of hunger. In the su rrounding rock control, the formation of large section roadway support technology, high-pressure water fracturing technology, strong resistance of the first caving suppor t technology, the large mining height of mine pressure law was summed up. In the mining area, the formation of the double bracket, the vertical transition process, reso urce recovery rate was improved. In the information technology, the formation of equipment, dynamic monitoring, data acquisition and so on. Through the application of some key technology of fully-mechanized mining face, to achieve 44 800 tons per day, with an annual output of 15.5 million tons of production capacity, the recovery rat e was 98. 12%, which provide technical guidance and reference to similar 8 m under the condition of thick seam mining.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    8.0 m large mining height; thick coal seam; safe and efficient mining; full seam one passing mining;

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