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  • Title

    Study on escape route algorithm with constraints during coal mine fire

  • 作者


  • Author

    XU Shaoyi,LI Mei,MAO Shanjun,ZHI Ning,LYU Pingyang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Institute of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System,Peking University,Beijing ,China
  • 摘要

    为了解决常见煤矿井下避灾路线算法在带约束条件问题方面的局限性以及运行效率待提升等问题,提出一种带约束条件的煤矿火灾避灾路线算法。该算法在当量长度的计算中引入了体能消耗指数,实现了巷道起伏对避灾路线影响的量化;考虑了灾变因子对巷道网络的影响,特别地,以具有累积量危害的定量属性为约束条件对算法进行改进;引入SPFA(Shortest Path Faster Algorithm)算法,相比经典Dijkstra算法,本算法在时间效率上有较大提升。最后,以寺家庄煤矿为例进行了测试,验证了算法设计的有效性,同时实现了时间效率的数量级提升。

  • Abstract
    As for common algorithms for coal mine escape route solving,there exist the problems including the limit of carrying constraints and the efficiency to be improved. Therefore,this paper proposes a restricted SPFA algorithm to solve escape routes problem during coal mine fire. Compared with traditional algorithms,the algorithm introduces energy consumption index while calculating equivalent length,thus quantitating the influence of tunnel rugged topography;considers the influence of disaster factors to tunnel network,particularly takes quantitative attributes that have cumulative hazard as constraint conditions to improve the algorithm;introduces SPFA algorithm,achieving remarkable efficiency improvement relative to the classical Dijkstra algorithm. In the end,we take Sijiazhuang Coal Mine as an example to test the algorithm,the experiment results prove the effectiveness of the algorithm design;The efficiency has also improved by an order of magnitude.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal mine fire; escape route;equivalent length;tunnel rugged topography;SPFA algorithm

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